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Q: What alternative medicine should you use for your rabbit to prevent infection from a rat bite?
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Can you give rabbit aspren for fever?

NO! There are some chemicals in that medicine that are deadly toxic to a rabbit. Instead, go to a local animal hospital and get the recommended fever medicine.

Can dogs get rabbit pox?

No, dogs cannot get rabbit pox. Rabbit pox is a viral infection that only rabbits can catch, however, the illness was isolated.

Will a small piece of pretzel hurt a rabbit?

A small piece of pretzel will not hurt your rabbit. But dry bread is a better alternative as a treat.

What is a viral infection in a rabbit?

A viral infection in a rabbit is like a viral infection in any animal: it's when the rabbit gets sick from a virus. Pet rabbit owners should learn about what viruses might affect their rabbits, and how they can protect them (sometimes with a shot, sometimes just by knowing the signs of a sick rabbit and knowing where and when to seek help). See the related questions below for more help. Some viruses that affect rabbits include: Herpes Shope papillomavirus Myxomatosis Rabies VHD

Why has your rabbit got myxomatosis when he hes been vaccinated?

The myxomatosis jag is only given to help prevent your rabbit from getting myxomatosis, It wont definetley prevent it from catching it but it will help alot! there is also a chance that your rabbit maybe had it before it was vaccinated but to be honest im not 100% sure and i am sorry to hear about your rabbit.

What is your 5 year old female rabbit dying from if it has red smelly urine?

Most of the time that mean the rabbit/bunny has a bladder infection

Why are your female rabbit's genitals swollen?

Your rabbit is seriously ill, maybe with parasites or an infection. Bring your rabbit to a vet who has experience and knowledge in treating rabbits immediately. See the related questions below for more info and helpful links.

How do you prevent conception for rabbit after breeding?

Keep males and females separated.

My rabbit has an open wound how do i prevent an infection?

If your rabbit has an open wound, you must bring the rabbit to a vet for treatment. There is nothing you can do at home to prevent infection. Rabbits have very stretchy skin, and the wound will only get bigger and worse if you don't go to the vet's. If you can, before you leave for the vet's, do this first aid: Clean the wound: flush with watered-down liquid Betadine (povidone-iodine, watered down to an ice tea colour), and then flush again with water. Cover the wound with a non-stick bandage pad, and then secure it with self-adhesive bandage wrap. (But don't touch the open skin to the bandage wrap, because it will stick.) Then go to the vet's. See the related questions below for more details.

What does it mean when a rabbit's eyes weep and it stops eating?

Your rabbit is sick, could be any number of things: pneumonia, cold, eye infection. Take it to a vet, it is serious.

Why is your rabbits ear loppy and red?

One of two reasons, either the rabbit has injured its ear and has an infection or your rabbit has ear mites which also cause an infection. If it is ear mites you can get rid of them by mixing iodine (a few drops) in baby oil and coating the ear with it. When you get rid of the ear mites (by smothering them with the oil every 2 days) you will need to treat with oil again in 10 days to smother the babies that hatch out of the eggs laid under the skin of the ear (which is what causes the infection). If the infection is really bad your rabbit may need antibiotics which it may need if it has an infection for a wound to it's ear.

What do you do when your male rabbit has lost fur on the side of his neck and has cuts?

You do three things:Bring the rabbit to a vet who can treat the injury, and prevent it from getting worse.Think about what caused the injury, and what you can do in the future to prevent it. Read about rabbit care and behaviour, and consider what you could improve about your rabbit's habitat and lifestyle.Provide a calm and quiet, low-stress place for your rabbit's recovery. Make sure he has lots of hay and fresh water.See the related questions below for details and helpful links.