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Misunderstandations, perhaps.

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Q: What always weakens the trust in a relationship?
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Why is 'I Trust You' a better compliment than 'I Love You'?

Because you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust. Simply because if you are in love with some you don't trust then the relationship fails but if you fall in love with someone you do trust then relationship will most likely succeed.

What should I do if my boyfriend see's me sad?

Tell him why your sad trust is always good in a relationship

Is it an advantage to have a special relationship with your friend?

It is always great to have a close friend that you can depend on and trust.

What sin is a flaw in your character that weakens your relationship with God?

Mortal sin

What is more important in a relationship truth or trust?

They are both important. You need to always tell them the truth that way they can know they can trust you but if you get caught in a lie then the trust goes down.

Should you trust an inmate in a relationship?

If you're in a relationship, then yes you should be able to trust them. If you can't trust them, your relationship is unhealthy and you shouldn't be in it.

Do i need a family trust?

yes of course you need family trust because they are your family they will be there for you no matter what and they will always love you, even when you have annoyed them they will always loved and trust you. family trust is SO important, no relationship is more powerful than your family and when you have a problem you should talk to your family first.

What does a successful relationship consist of?

the main root of a relationship is trust in order for the relationship to be successful you must build trust

What part does trust play in a friendship or relationship?

Trust plays in both a friendship and a relationship

How is trust important in a friendship?

Trust is the ultimate bond (more so than sex) whether it's friendship or a love relationship. If that bond of trust is broken it is difficult to get it back. Trust; loyalty; good communication skills are what makes a great relationship stronger.

What are common warning signs in a relationship?

always trust your gut If they keep making excuses to not hang out with you If they start acting weird

How can you keep your relationship stronger?

Have sex more often and vary positions and techniques ANSWER: By making sure that the two of you will always have communication. Love, respect, trust and always treat each others special will be your guidance to a healthy and stronger relationship.