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the 25th admenment

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Q: What amendment Says Americans can practice any or no religion?
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Where is it stated that Americans have religious freedom?

In the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights, which is part of the US Constitution, it says that Congress shall make no laws prohibiting the practice of religion.

Which part of the First Amendment says that citizens are allowed to practice any religion they choose.?

Answer this question… The free exercise clause

What amendment says you have the freedom of speech religion and meet in groups?

   The first amendment.

Does the First Amendment prohibits an established national religion?

The part that says "Congress shall pass no law respecting the establishment of a religion, nor inhibiting the free practice thereof" The first part of this amendment is often called the "Establishment Clause".

What says that you can practice whatever religion you want freely?

In the First Amendment to the United States, you, if you are an American citizen, are granted the freedom of religion. The text states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; I hope this helps. :)

What does the establishment clauses of the first amendment?

It says the government cannot make an official religion. (^_-)

What does the establishment clause of the first amendment?

It says the government cannot make an official religion. (^_-)

Is Spanish speaking part of the first amendment?

No, the first amendment to the Constitution has nothing to do with Spanish. The first amendment says the government (e.g. Congress) should never pass any laws abridging, or restricting, your freedom of speech, or pass any laws establishing a national religion, or restricting the freedom to practice ANY religion. That's all. No restriction on speech, and no religious laws. Simple, eh?

Did the constitution guarantee freedom of religion?

Under the first Amendment of the United States Constitution, it states that a person cannot "prohibit the free exercise of religion." Hence, a person cannot infringe on a person's right to practice their own preference of religion. The first Amendment says, "CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAWS RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION". That simply means to keep your belief in your church, home and in your own hearts. Not in everyone else's faces.

How does the establishment clause protect your religions freedoms?

The establishment clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from establishing an official religion or favoring one religion over others. This ensures that individuals have the freedom to practice their own religion without government interference or endorsement. It helps maintain a separation between church and state, allowing for religious diversity and protecting religious liberty.

How does the first amendment separate church and state?

It really does not. The 1st Amendment says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". It does not separate Church and State (although many people seem to think it does). It merely says that Congress may not establish a religion, or keep you from exercising your religion.

What amendment says the president declared that the only rights Americans have are those listed in the first eight amendments?

There is no such ammendment.