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In the First Amendment to the United States, you, if you are an American citizen, are granted the freedom of religion. The text states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

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Q: What says that you can practice whatever religion you want freely?
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What amendment Says Americans can practice any or no religion?

the 25th admenment

How does the establishment clause protect your religions freedoms?

The establishment clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from establishing an official religion or favoring one religion over others. This ensures that individuals have the freedom to practice their own religion without government interference or endorsement. It helps maintain a separation between church and state, allowing for religious diversity and protecting religious liberty.

Are people free to practice any religion in georgia?

Well yes. America is a free country and one of the admemdments to the constitution says that we have freedom of religion.

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== == == == Roger Williams did settle Rhode Island. He was banished from Massachusetts for not agreeing with their religion. So, he founded Rhode Island, where all faiths could practice their religions freely.1636

Which part of the First Amendment says that citizens are allowed to practice any religion they choose.?

Answer this question… The free exercise clause

What religion did Malcolm practice?

He was a Black Muslim, an offshoot cult of Islam, that says that white people are the devil, and that black men are gods.

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Freedom of religion refers to people's rights to believe and practice their religion, NOT to violate OTHER people's rights.

What is ice cube's religion?

He is a 5 percenter which is a heteredox movement otherwise called Nation of Gods and Earths

Has Coldplay singer Chris Martin converted to Judaism since marrying Gwyneth Paltrow?

No. Martin says he believes in God but doesn't practice a specific religion.

Can you convert your religion from Hindu to Muslim?

Anyone can convert to whatever religion they want, that's your choice.If we accept the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as I believe we should, then yes, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs and people of all religions are free to convert to Islam if they wish, and the reverse. Article 18 says: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

What is whatever?

WHATEVER means exactly what it says what ever

Where is it stated that Americans have religious freedom?

In the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights, which is part of the US Constitution, it says that Congress shall make no laws prohibiting the practice of religion.