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6th amendment

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Maranda Curtis

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Q: What amendment guarantees a trial before an impartial jury (one that favors neither side).?
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Why does the twenty-second amendment result in lame duck presidency?

The 22nd constitutional amendment is not a direct cause of Lame-duck presidents. A Lame-duck president will result anytime a new president is elected. The only real impact this amendment has on this occurance is that it guarantees that a lame-duck occurs every 8 years at the latest, as a president cannot be elected to a third term. Before this amendment it was traditional for a president not to seek a third term as President Washington eschewed a third term. Franklin Roosevelt was the only president to be elected to a third term, or a fourth term for that matter, the amendment was a reaction to the length of his presidency. Thus, before this amendment, lame-duck presidents were already occurring regularly and are not the result of this amendment. Hope that helps.

This amendment says that the accused are guaranteed a speedy public trial by jury?

In addition to guaranteeing the right to an attorney, the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees a criminal defendant a speedy trial by an "impartial jury." This means that a criminal defendant must be brought to trial for his or her alleged crimes within a reasonably short time after arrest, and that before being convicted of most crimes, the defendant has a constitutional right to be tried by a jury, which must find the defendant guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt."What is a "Speedy" Trial?A "speedy" trial basically means that the defendant is tried for the alleged crimes within a reasonable time after being arrested. Although most states have laws that set forth the time in which a trial must take place after charges are filed, often the issue of whether or not a trial is in fact "speedy" enough under the Sixth Amendment comes down to the circumstances of the case itself, and the reasons for any delays. In the most extreme situations, when a court determines that the delay between arrest and trial was unreasonable and prejudicial to the defendant, the court dismisses the case altogether.What is the Jury's Role at Trial?The Sixth Amendment guarantees a criminal defendant the right to be tried before an "impartial jury," representative of a cross-section of the community, which will consider the evidence against the defendant and decide whether to find him or her guilty of the crime(s) charged. In almost all states, 12 jurors must agree in order to find a defendant "guilty" or "not guilty." In such states, if the jury fails to reach a unanimous verdict and finds itself at a standstill (a "hung" jury), the judge may declare a "mistrial," after which the case may be dismissed or the trial may start all over again.

Which amendment gives congress the power to choose the president and vice president if they die before the inauguration?

amendment 20

When did civil liberties become a part of the Constitution?

The federal government is obliged by many constitutional provisions to respect the individual citizen's basic rights. Some civil liberties were specified in the original document, notably in the provisions guaranteeing the writ of habeas corpus and trial by jury in criminal cases (Article III, Section 2) and forbidding bills of attainder and ex post facto laws (Article I, Section 9). But the most significant limitations to government's power over the individual were added in 1791 in the Bill of Rights. The Constitution's First Amendment guarantees the rights of conscience, such as freedom of religion, speech, and the press, and the right of peaceful assembly and petition. Other guarantees in the Bill of Rights require fair procedures for persons accused of a crime-such as protection against unreasonable search and seizure, compulsory self-incrimination, double jeopardy, and excessive bail-and guarantees of a speedy and public trial by a local, impartial jury before an impartial judge and representation by counsel. Rights of private property are also guaranteed. Although the Bill of Rights is a broad expression of individual civil liberties, the ambiguous wording of many of its provisions-such as the Second Amendment's right "to keep and bear arms" and the Eighth Amendment's prohibition of "cruel and unusual punishments"-has been a source of constitutional controversy and intense political debate. Further, the rights guaranteed are not absolute, and there has been considerable disagreement about the extent to which they limit governmental authority. The Bill of Rights originally protected citizens only from the national government. For example, although the Constitution prohibited the establishment of an official religion at the national level, the official state-supported religion of Massachusetts was Congregationalism until 1833. Thus, individual citizens had to look to state constitutions for protection of their rights against state governments.The Fourteenth Amendment

What ratio of states does it take to pass an amendment?

It takes a three-fourths ratio from the states to pass an amendment. Before an amendment goes to the states, it has to pass both house of legislature.

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When Pete Seeger appeared before the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities in 1955, he refused to answer the committee's questions about his personal beliefs He based his refusal on?

the First Amendment he had his fredom of speach (apex)

When Pete Seeger appeared before the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1955, he refused to answer the committee's questions about his personal beliefs He based his refusal on?

the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech(apex)

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The 5th amendment addresses the right of a suspect against self-incrimination and the 6th amendment guarantees the right to a speedy trial. Neither of these amendments are applicable to a suspect when they are ordered to appear at a "line-up" viewing.

In article 3 a person accused of a crime has the right to what type of trial?

In article 3 of the Constitution, a person accused of a crime has the right to a trial by jury. This means that their case will be heard and decided by a group of their peers who will determine their innocence or guilt.

Which amendments guarantee fair legal privacy?

The 4th amendment guarantees fair legal privacy. It states that a warrant or probable cause are needed before the government can enter a private home.

What guarantees individuals to a court hearing before being jailed?

I appoligize for the last answer, there are alot of trolls on this site. The fifth amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Articles of Confederation gaurentees due process.

When Pete Seeger appeared before the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities in 1955 he refused to answer the committee's questions about his personal beliefs. He based his refusal on?

the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech.

When Pete seeger appeared before the House Committee on unAmerican activities in 1955 he refused to answer the committee's questions about his personal believe he bases refusal on?

The First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech

What is a juror who has not made a decision before hearing the evidence called?

Impartial Jury

What laws have the come before the supreme court repeatedly for interpretation?

There are several laws that have repeatedly come before the Supreme Court for interpretation. Some notable examples include the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech, religion, and assembly; the Fourth Amendment, which protects against unreasonable searches and seizures; the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which guarantees equal treatment under the law; and the Commerce Clause, which regulates interstate commerce. These laws often present complex and evolving issues that require the Supreme Court's interpretation and clarification.

Is the Articles of Confederation before or after the first amendment?

The articles of confederation was before the first amendment.

What is a preson guaranteed to have what at a fair trial?

A fair trial before an impartial jury of their peers.