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The federal government is obliged by many constitutional provisions to respect the individual citizen's basic rights. Some civil liberties were specified in the original document, notably in the provisions guaranteeing the writ of habeas corpus and trial by jury in criminal cases (Article III, Section 2) and forbidding bills of attainder and ex post facto laws (Article I, Section 9). But the most significant limitations to government's power over the individual were added in 1791 in the Bill of Rights. The Constitution's First Amendment guarantees the rights of conscience, such as freedom of religion, speech, and the press, and the right of peaceful assembly and petition. Other guarantees in the Bill of Rights require fair procedures for persons accused of a crime-such as protection against unreasonable search and seizure, compulsory self-incrimination, double jeopardy, and excessive bail-and guarantees of a speedy and public trial by a local, impartial jury before an impartial judge and representation by counsel. Rights of private property are also guaranteed. Although the Bill of Rights is a broad expression of individual civil liberties, the ambiguous wording of many of its provisions-such as the Second Amendment's right "to keep and bear arms" and the Eighth Amendment's prohibition of "cruel and unusual punishments"-has been a source of constitutional controversy and intense political debate. Further, the rights guaranteed are not absolute, and there has been considerable disagreement about the extent to which they limit governmental authority. The Bill of Rights originally protected citizens only from the national government. For example, although the Constitution prohibited the establishment of an official religion at the national level, the official state-supported religion of Massachusetts was Congregationalism until 1833. Thus, individual citizens had to look to state constitutions for protection of their rights against state governments.

The Fourteenth Amendment
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Q: When did civil liberties become a part of the Constitution?
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Civil liberties are guaranteed by which part of the Constitution?

Bill of Rights

Where can civil liberties be found?

They can be found in the Bill of Rights, specifically. The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution, but it is the Bill of Rights where civil liberties are addressed.

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The first 10 amendments, known as the Bill of Rights

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Civil is an adjective. civil authorities - adjective + noun civil liberties - adjective + noun

When did civil rights become part of the US Constitution?

Civil Rights became a part of the U.S. Constitution in 1868 when the 14th amendment was adopted. The 14th amendment grantees each citizen "equal protection of the laws".

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(bill of rights)

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Many were nervous to put so much power into a federal government after the tyrannical rule of King George III, and they wanted to ensure that individuals' civil liberties would not be breached.

Bill of rights become apart of the constitution?

yes it did.... it became a part of the constitution

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Fifth Amendment

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Fundamental human rights are addressed primarily within the Bill of Rights, the first Amendments of the constitution.

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