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14th amendment

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The Fourteenth Amendment has been used by the Supreme Court to overturn many court decisions in order to enforce equal rights. Specifically, the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment has been interpreted to prohibit states from discriminating against individuals based on race, gender, and other protected characteristics. This has led to landmark decisions such as Brown v. Board of Education and Loving v. Virginia.

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Q: What amendment has been used by the supreme court to overturn many court decisions in order to enforce equal right?
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No it can't. The only way to overturn a supreme court decision is either another supreme court decision, or a constitutional amendment.

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The Supreme Court cannot directly enforce its rulings; instead, it relies on respect for the Constitution and for the law for adherence to its judgments. Because the Supreme Court simply bases its decisions on the Constitution, the decisions are not overturned. The decisions simply uphold the Constitution but do not have outside enforcement.Added: Short answer: (in the US) The Supreme Court is the highest court in the nation. Its rulings cannot be overturned unless done by a subsequent ruling of the same court.

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Court decisions can be overturned by higher courts, with the highest being the Supreme Court. Once the Supreme Court has issued a ruling, it can only be overturned by another Supreme Court ruling if the court agrees to hear that case or a similar case again. It is also possible for Congress to pass a law or constitutional amendment (with the help of the states, which must ratify any amendment), which can effectively overturn a Supreme Court decision by altering the law on which the decision was based.

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A U. S. president cannot reverse a U. S. Supreme Court decision or the decision of the Supreme Court of any state or territory.

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The US Supreme Court has the authority to overturn a precedent in any case under their review, if they feel the precedent no longer applies to current social and legal circumstances. They can also ignore precedents if they feel a case creates an exception to the rule, for whatever reason.

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The US Supreme Court lacks the ability to enforce its own decisions, which is a check on the Judicial Branch of government. The Executive Branch is vested with the authority and obligation to enforce Supreme Court decisions, and the Legislative branch can support a decision by passing laws upholding the Court's finding.

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The power of judicial review allows the Supreme Court to?

The power of judicial review allows the supreme court to: 1)Overturn an act of Congress that violates the Constitution. ...2) Can obstruct the supreme court's rulings by refusing to enforce them. ...3) Can overturn an unconstitutional law passed by Congress.