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The 18th

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Q: What amendment is no longer valid since it was cancelled out by subsequent amendment allowing the sale on certain types of beverages?
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Which amendment is no longer valid since it was cancelled out by a subsequent amendment allowing the sale of a certain type of beverage?

The 18th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibited the sale of alcohol, is no longer valid. Its validity was cancelled out due the 21st Amendment.

What is the definition of 'prohibiting'?

Prohibition - not allowing, forbiddingProhibition - to the 18th Amendment to the US Constitution, which prohibited the sale, transportation and importation of Alcoholic Beverages.

What amendment no longer valid since it was canceled out by a subsequent amendment allowing the scale of a certain type of beverage?

The 18th amendment provided the prohibition of alchol, it was passed during the Progressive era, but was later repealed by the 21st Amendment.

Which amendment forbids allowing only males to vote?

The 19th Amendment

How was Recognition of the role of women in winning the war was shown?

a constitutional amendment allowing women the right to vote

What amendment made drinking alcohol legal again?

The Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibited the manufacture, sale, importing, exporting and transportation of alcoholic beverages in the United States and its possessions. Contrary to common belief, it did not prohibit either the purchase or consumption of alcohol.

How did prohibiton end?

The 21st Amendment was passed allowing the sale and consumption of alcohol.

What does the seventeenth amendment have to do with human rights?

It deals with elimination of corruption by allowing for citizenry to elect senators, thereby allowing the people's voice to be heard.

Important goal of the first amendment regarding religion is?

allowing the free exercise of religion.

Year woman had the right to vote?

The Amendment allowing women to vote was ratified in 1920.

What did the 17th amendment propose?

The 17th Amendment took the voice of the states away by allowing Senators to be elected by popular vote instead f by the state Legislatures.

Do state legislatures choose members of the us senate?

The 17th Amendment gave the people the power to directly elect their Senators, versus allowing a legislature to elect them. The 17th Amendment gave the people the power to directly elect their Senators, versus allowing a legislature to elect them.