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The Third Amendment to the Bill of Rights is referred to as "Quartering of Troops".

This amendment states that the government may not force citizens to house soldiers, and that citizens who elect to do so will receive reasonable compensation.

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Q: What amendment was written because American colonists were forced to house British soldiers?
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It is Third amendment!!(:

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Quartering of soldiers. In the time before the American Revolution, some soldiers of the army for the british would live with the colonists. Most colonists would not like having to supply food and care for the soldiers. However, the colonist were not able to deny the quartering because of the british law. The 3rd amendment makes it unconstitutional for the government to force people to let soldiers live with them.

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Because the British soldiers hated the colonists' guts.

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The 5 W's of the Boston Massacre are: Who: British soldiers and American colonists. What: A violent confrontation between British soldiers and American colonists. When: It occurred on March 5, 1770. Where: The incident took place in Boston, Massachusetts. Why: Tensions had been escalating between the colonists and British soldiers due to increased enforcement of British laws and taxes. This event further fueled the anti-British sentiment in the colonies.

Which law forced American colonists to house and feed British soldiers?

The Quartering Act (1765)