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I took AP Physics this year and from what my teacher told the class, from a light bulbs energy, about only 5% of it is transmitted as light. The other 95% is heat.

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Q: What amount of energy in a light bulb goes to actual light and how much to just heat?
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What does an energy saving light bulb do?

It uses less energy to produce the same amount of illumination as a standard light bulb

Different color light bulb affect how much energy it has?

No, Colored light bulbs holds the same amount of energy a regular light bulb holds.

Why the energy saver bulb is coiled?

To have enough bulb or surface area to produce the required amount of light.

Can energy saving light bulb charge a phone?

No. An energy saving light bulb is just a light bulb, and can't charge anything. The reason it's called an "energy saving" device is that it can give you the same amount of light while using less electrical energy than older bulbs used.

Why is an incadescent bulb a very inefficient light source?

An incandescent light bulb is very inefficient light source because of the amount of heat energy wasted when it is energized.

What light bulb uses less amount of energy?

compact flourescent light bulbs (cfl) the swirly ones

What transformations occur in a light bulb?

In a light bulb, electrical energy is transformed into light energy and heat energy.

How do you experiment an energy drink?

Depends which kind. If it has Electrolytes you can add a small light bulb to a controlled amount of the drink. The light bulb should light up, at least dimly.

What is the source of energy in a light bulb?

Electricity is the source of energy in a light bulb.

What is most of the energy produced by a light bulb?

Most of the energy in a light bulb is heat energy.

When energy runs through a light bulb what kind of energy does the light bulb produce?

A light bulb uses electrical energy, and produces light, as well as heat.

What energy occurs in the light bulb?

light and heat energy occur in a light bulb when it is turned on.