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Q: What and oxygen react inside a cell's mitochondria to produce carbon dioxide water and energy?
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Is mitochondria fix co2?

No. Mitochondria does not fix carbon dioxide. It uses oxygen to produce energy for the cell.

How does oxygen inside a cells mitochondria produce carbon dioxide water and energy?

TChrough Kreb's cycle mitochondria produce CO2, water and energy by utilizing oxygen. This is called aerobic respiration.

Oxygen react inside a cell's mitochondria to produce carbon dioxide water and energy?

Glucose react with oxygen. That is to produce energy

What are the functional differences between chloroplasts and mitochondria?

Chloroplast are found in plant cells and use the sunlight to break down carbon dioxide and water into oxygen, glucose and water. Mitochondria is found in animal cells and breaks down glucose and oxygen into carbon dioxide, heat energy and water.

Function of oxygen in the human body?

mitochondria use oxegen and glucose to make water, carbon dioxide and produce energy in aerobic respiration which is required to live.

What reacts inside a cell's mitochondria to produce carbon dioxide water and energy?

Main fuel is glucose. Oxygen is needed for burning,as last electron acceptor.

What does repiration produce?

carbon dioxide, water, energy

Does Thermal Energy produce Carbon Dioxide?

Not directly.

What is the gas produce from the break down of glucose in the mitochondria?

The main gas produced from the breakdown of glucose in the mitochondria is carbon dioxide (CO2). This occurs during a process called cellular respiration, where glucose is broken down to produce energy in the form of ATP. In addition to CO2, water (H2O) and heat are also produced.

What chloroplasts and mitochondria?

Mitochondria (singular = mitochondrion) are often called the “powerhouses” or “energy factories” of a cell because they are responsible for making adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cell’s main energy-carrying molecule. ATP represents the short-term stored energy of the cell. Cellular respiration is the process of making ATP using the chemical energy found in glucose and other nutrients. In mitochondria, this process uses oxygen and produces carbon dioxide as a waste product. In fact, the carbon dioxide that you exhale with every breath comes from the cellular reactions that produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct.

What do mitochondria break down to produce energy?

In aerobic respiration, mitochondria break down oxygen and glucose to make energy, and also make carbon dioxide and water. In anaerobic respiration, they only use Glucose to make energy and also make lactic acid.

Which energy sources produce carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide?

Burning coal (a fossil fuel) releases carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide.