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Large birds and dolphins are associated with the sign Aquarius.

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A dove!!

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Q: What animal is associated with Aquarius?
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What is the zodiac animal for Aquarius?

Aquarius is said to be associated with large birds. Some associate it with humans.

What figure is associated with Aquarius?

Aquarius is shown as a man pouring water from a jug. Aquarius is, after all, 'the water carrier.'

What is the animal for Aquarius?

The animal for Aquarius is a human. It is the sign of the water bearer, so a human male with a vase of water.

What body weaknesses does Aquarius have?

I wouldn't associate a body weakness with any zodiac sign, but the calves and ankles are associated with Aquarius.

What is color of Aquarius?

Aquarius, ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus (by modern astrologers), is usually associated with neon and shiny metallic colors.

What is the Aquarius animal?

Aquarius is the zodiac sign that begins January 20th and ends February 18th.well, he was this guy that looked like a mermaidI think...Im a girl and a Aquaris the first answer is a Virgo an aquaris is a man that pours a pitcher of water.

Is there any month associated with the ocean and or sea?

if you were born January 21 to february 19 you would be an Aquarius which is associated with water

What is the color star for Aquarius' constellation?

Aquarius, ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus (by modern astrologers), is usually associated with neon and shiny metallic colors.

How did constellation Aquarius get its name Aquarius?

The constellation Aquarius takes its name from the Latin name meaning water bearer. Having roots leading back to ancient Babylon, the constellation Aquarius has always been associated with a vase overflowing with water. In Babylon this was the representation of the god Ea. This filtered down into Greek mythology and is most commonly associated in modern times with the Greek youth Ganymede who was the water boy of the gods.

Is Aquarius a merman?

Aquarius is firstly not a water sign, but an air sign. The water in Aquarius is symbolic of knowledge, especially spiritual. Aquarius is also a masculine sign. So, the question should rather be - Is Aquarius a merman? Aquarius is a man. However, some cultures (past & present ones) have regarded Aquarius as a merman. An example was Babylon. It is also said that Aquarius is actually a merman. A lot of people would disagree. Perhaps that can be seen as swimming in the ocean of space, the cosmos. >> The first answer is wrong - Aquarius means 'water carrier' from Latin. << Aquarius is the most misunderstood sign - even in the namesake. Swimming in water is using water for a different purpose to e.g. carrying it in a container. And, someone doing that could even not be able to swim. Water signs (emotion) - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Notice - no mammals and humans. Air signs (intellect) - Gemini, Aquarius, Libra. Notice - no animals.

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What is your zodiac animal for January 6 1997?

Aquarius is the zodiac sign for January 21 - February 19.