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Most animals leave a scent to let other animals know it is their territory. Dogs, cats, bears, tigers, all leave a scent of some sort.

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13y ago

lions, skunks, dogs,cats,

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Q: What animal sprays its scent on trees?
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Related questions

What describes the scent of trees?

fragrant, fresh,

Which animal sprays enemies with a foul liquid?

The skunk Also some beetles are capable of producing caustic or noxious sprays.

Which trees do burmy's like to go at in Pokemon diamond?

sweet scent trees. i hope it helped!

How do you train dogs to hunt?

you give the dog the scent and they can know the scent of the animal the master is ordering him to find

How does the Jaguar animal communicate?

by vocalization and scent marking.

Does buck bomb work?

Get real!!!! You have to be a hunter, you can not rely on cheap imitations of "scent". Its all a marketing scheme. Try to find a video where a person sprays "buck bomb" then an animal comes running into it. (without cutting the tape, without a glitch in the film. be real it doesn't exist.

Which American animal sprays out a foul-smelling fluid to defend itself?

a skunk.

How do male koalas use their scent?

Only the male koala has a scent gland which he uses to rub against the trunk of a tree. He is scent marking to indicate his home trees, and this is to attract the female, rather than to mark territory. Koalas have a range of around one square kilometre, and they have numerous home trees within that territory. Male koalas use scent marking to have a possible mating with females who then pick up their scent from the tree trunks.

Do scentsy buddies have to have a scent in them?

No, you can use them just as a stuffed animal if you want- I have several of them and usually only one at a time has a scent in it.

How does a koala find its mate?

The male koala has a scent gland which he uses to rub against the trunk of a tree. He scent marks to indicate his home trees, and this is to attract the female. Koalas have a range of around one square kilometre, and they have numerous home trees within that territory. Male koalas use scent marking to have a possible mating with females who then pick up their scent from the tree trunks.

How do koalas win the female koala?

The male koala has a scent gland which he uses to rub against the trunk of a tree. He scent marks to indicate his home trees, and this is to attract the female. Koalas have a range of around one square kilometre, and they have numerous home trees within that territory. Male koalas use scent marking to have a possible mating with females who then pick up their scent from the tree trunks.

How do you get rid of inch worms on trees?

To get rid of inch worms on trees, there are a variety of methods to get rid of the worms. You can try bus sprays and insect repellants for instance to get rid of them.