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Q: What animal was hunted to extinction by the Maori people?
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Why people hunt moas?

The Maori were Polynesian people who arrived in New Zealand before 1300. They hunted moas for food. The moa's only predator was the massive Haasts Eagle until the arrival of the Maori people, who sadly hunted them to extinction.

What is the tallest bird in New Zealand?

It used to be the Moa before it was hunted to extinction by Maori.

Why are the Polynesians held responsible for the extinction of moa?

Actually, the Polynesians were not held responsible for the extinction of the moa, which was a large bird. The moa was mostly hunted in prehistoric times in its native New Zealand by the Maori.

In what time period was the prehistoric Moa of NewZealand alive in?

The various species of Moa native to New Zealand existed up until the 1400 when Maori tribesmen hunted them to extinction.

Where was mostly found the precious rock that the early Maori hunted for?

The precious rock that the early Maori hunted for was pounamu, better known as jade. The Maori used the strong rock for weapons.

When did Maori hunt?

Maori traditionally hunted for food, resources, and cultural practices throughout their history in New Zealand, prior to European colonization. Hunting was a significant aspect of their subsistence lifestyle, primarily targeting various bird species, seals, and the now extinct moa bird.

Do the Maori people kill the kiwi birds for their feathers?

The Maori did not (and do not) kill kiwi for their feathers. In the past, Maori hunted the kiwi for food, and being resourceful people, they wasted very little of the bird, certainly using the feathers. Kiwi are now protected by law. They may not be killed.

Are moas still alive?

No, the Maori hunted the moas to extinction around 1400AD(CE). Uncomfermed sightings were reported in neighboring islands during the 18th and 19th century, but these sighting may have been hoaxes.

What happened to the animal when Maoris came?

The Maori's Hunted them down because there was not much food on New Zealand they hunted down ((((( The Moa's, Bird, Kiwi, just about anything u name))))) They hunted the Moa because the we're easy to shot and had heaps of meat on them A Moa would last up to 3-4 weeks.....

The people know as maori are?

The people known as Maori are - Maori. They are polynesian and they come from New Zealand which they named Aotearoa.

What is the maori word for mouse?

The Maori word for mouse is "kiore."

Name of New Zealand aborigine?

The indigenous people of New Zealand are called Maori.