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There are many animal species in Cameroon including the giant eland, elephant and lion. Additional animals include hippopotamus, antelope and African rock python.

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Q: What animals are found in Cameroon?
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What animals in Africa start with letter x?

Xavier's Greenbul is a songbird. It is found in Cameroon.

What animals are in Cameroon?

elephants, giraffes, monkeys, and antelope. Cameroon has three main rivers, the Benue, the Wouri, and the Sanaga.

When was Cameroon found?

It was first settled during the Neolithic period. Portugese sailors reached Cameroon in 1472

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You can review the link, below, to remain up to date about diamond mining in Cameroon.

What are some plants and animals in Cameroon?

Things that walk or stay in the ground.

What are some African animals that begin with the letter X?

A bird found in Cameroon, Uganda, Tanzania and Nigeria is the Xavier's Greenbul. It begins with the letter X.Xavier's Greenbul is a songbird in Africa.

What is the name of Cameroons National anthem?

The national anthem of the Republic of Cameroon is known worldwide as the 'Rallying Song' , symbolizes the dreams and aspirations of Cameroonians as citizens of an independent Republic. It is written in French.

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the most productive diamond mounds are found in cameroon

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If they are not fenced in, like domestic farm animals, they would move onto higher ground.

What is the name of Cameroon?

The name of Cameroon IS Cameroon

What animals live in Cameroon?

Many types of wild animals live across Cameroon. Dozens of species of monkeys and apes, many antelope, zebra, giraffe, elephants, lions, Black rhino, hippopotamus, gorillas and numerous small rodents. There are over 6 million cattle and almost 9 million goats and sheep.

What is the city of Cameroon?

Cameroon is not a city. Cameroon is a country.