

What animals are mammals?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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9y ago

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Mammals are animals that have hair on them Dolphins are mammals but they have no hair on them u think but on them they're are whiskers around their mouths. It doesn't matter if they have not got hair all over their body. Here are some examples of mammals.

Dolphins have whiskers around their mouth these are very thin whiskers

Bears are covered with thick hair on their body

Gorillas are covered with thick hair on their body

Elephants have tiny hairs on their legs

Monkeys are covered with thick and some thin hair on their body

Giraffes are covered with thin hair on their body

Hippos have hairs around their mouths these act like tiny whiskers

Zebras have thin hairs all around their body because they live in hot areas in the Savannah and u do not want them to get too warm

Tigers have thick hairs all around their body's these protect them during the winter

Lions have thick hair on their beards if they are males otherwise they all have thin hairs

Koalas have thick and thin hairs on their body, thick hairs are used on its body separating from the legs and head, they have thin hairs on the rest they have thin hairs on their legs and head because with their legs they need to climb trees to escape predators and they need their heads to see their prey and to look out for predators.

Any animal with fur, or hair. ex: monkeys, humans, etc.
Many animals are mammals, humans, cats, dogs, sheep, cows, horses, deer, antelope, pigs, elephants, giraffes, and many many more.

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Mammals give birth to live young (with the exceptions of the platypus and echidna), nurse their young, and have fur or hair.

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