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The rabid Dwight Shrute.

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Q: What animals eat beets in your garden?
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Do deer eat beet tops?

Yes, deer will not only eat the beets greens, they will also dig for the roots. Even if the root is an unfamiliar food for them, once they have some, they love them. Deer especially like sugar beets, and both hunters and non-hunters often plant beets for the purpose of attracting deer.If you are growing the beets for your own use, here are a few suggestions for protecting them from deer and other hungry animals. Install an electric fence around your garden or crop, sprinkle milorganite around the garden, or hang Irish Spring soap around the border of the garden.

What animals eat beets?

Sugar beet by-product, calle beet pulp, are fed to cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and rabbits. It is merely a supplemental feed, which means that it cannot be fed alone as a ration because it will cause digestive upset--which leads to illness--in the animals that it is fed to. Humans also eat the by-product of sugar beets, which is sugar, after the beets have undergone processing. Waste sugar beets have been found useful as a silage ration for cattle when mixed, choppsed and ensiled with straw. Because sugar beets are very high in carbohydrates (primarily starch and sugars), mixing with straw decreases the risk of metabolic issues like acidosis because the straw contributes to the needed fibre content that ruminants require in their diets.

Can you eat the leaves of beets?

Yes, you can eat the leaves of beets.

Can hamsters eat beets?

Only the tops. Hamsters can get gas or bloating if they eat beets.

What wild animals eat from vegetable garden?

Of what I know a turtle usually eats wildflowers in the grassland.

Need to correct this sentence you wont eat spinach and beets for dinner shouted maurice?

I won't eat spinach and beets for dinner shouted Maurice!

What animals eat asparagus in the garden?

Deer eat asparagus at night and groundhogs during the day time.

Did popeye eat beets?


What do wild garden snakes eat?

garden snakes like to eat the items in all gardens. and sometimes the insects that live in the garden plants. they arent like other snakes, most other snakes eat other animals and etc.

Can you eat carrots and beets everyday?

you can eat whatever you want but, the fact is how much you eat. you can but not to much. carrots are good for your eye sight and give your eyesight and give you a lot of nutrients same for beets. beets are very good for you just not everyday it takes away them anit-bodies in your metabolism and you need all your nutrients. just limit how much of carrots and beets you eat.

Does tiny animals eat plants?

Greenfly don't eat the whole plant, but if you had a big garden they would be some pest!

What does it mean to want to eat pickled beets all the time?

That you like Picked Beets? I like them tooo......