

What animals eat sea lettuce?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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Q: What animals eat sea lettuce?
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Animals that eat lettuce?

rabbits, monkeys, birds, pigs, dogs will eat lettuce, deer maybe would eat lettuce, and many other animals. Some animals will eat lettuce but it doesn't mean it is their main food to give them nutrients they need to survive.

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Do foxes eat miner's lettuce?

The fox is an omnivore and eats plants as well as animals. I have not heard if they eat miner's lettuce, however.

What eats lettuce?

There are many animals whcih eat lettuce one of them is us, we humans do but we are the only ones as even rabbits snails eat lettuce these are known as pestsas they eat people lettuce and also gets eaten by dead plankton...

What animals eat lettuce?

turtles eat lettuce and its the most favorit food for ot

What is the sea lettuce's adaptations?

they can eat their own lettuce and other sea luttuce slug's lettuce

Will a frog eat lettuce?

No, all frogs are predatory and will only eat small animals.

What animals do sea otters eat?

Sea Urchins

What insects eat lettuce?

These are some animals which eat lettuce; rabbits, monkeys, birds, pigs, dogs will eat lettuce, deer maybe would eat lettuce, and many other animals. Some animals will eat lettuce but it doesn't mean it is their main food to give them nutrients they need to survive.

What do most sea floor animals eat?

Most sea floor animals eat decaying food particles. This can be leftovers from what other sea animals that live higher up have eaten.

Can Buddhists eat seaweed?

Yes, it is not an animal or a sea creature. If you could not eat seaweed then you could not eat lettuce. I love lettuce because its green, good and reminds me of smoky bacon crisps. Sea cucumbers are a whole different kettle of fish. Kettles of fish are also not allowed.