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Every bird, reptile, amphibian, mammal, fish as well as dragon fly larva ,just about any animal that has the slightest need for protein. My large Koi ie 24+ inches eat anything they can catch and crush with their pharyngeal teeth, including large snails. They have even snapped up newly hatched turtles then spit them right out because the tiny turtles have claws and cannot be crushed so easily without damaging the koi's mouth. If you have a problem with tadpoles and frogs buy some large koi, if it is a not pond you want to maintain, fish out some local fish elsewhere I.E. sunnies or crappies and put them in the pond they will flourish

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Q: What animals eat tadpoles and baby frogs?
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What do baby northern leopard frogs eat?

Baby frogs are tadpoles. Tadpoles eat algae.

Can baby frogs eat flies?

baby frogs are tadpoles and live underwater, therefore they cannot.

Do baby frogs eat grass hoppers?

Baby frogs are tadpoles. Grasshoppers are land creatures, tadpoles do not leave the water, so no. However, once a frog matures, it will eat any insect small enough to fit in its mouth.

What does babies eat?

Baby frogs usually eat small crickets or small ants. Tadpoles eat algae.

Do frogs only eat animals?

Most frogs feed on worms, spiders, and centipedes. Aquatic frogs may eat other frogs, tadpoles, and even small fish. Larger frogs eat animals as large as mice or small snakes!

What do tagpoles baby frogs eat?

Tadpoles need to eat a lot to turn into frogs. If allowed to become too hungry, they can eat other tadpoles. Other than eating each other, they prefer a diet consisting of plants.

Why do frogs lay number of eggs?

Because so many of the tadpoles never make it to adult hood - many animals eat tadpoles and young frogs, such as birds, fish and diving beetles.

Why do you keep seeing frogs?

Well when frogs reproduce, they keep in mind that a lot of animals will eat tadpoles, so they respond by making more.

Are tadpoles carnivores?

No tadpoles are not carnivorous as they eat plants. Large frogs are generally considered carnivorous.

Will toad frogs eat tadpoles?


Why do frogs give birth to lots of eggs?

Frogs lay a lot of eggs because a lot of animals eat tadpoles and small frogs including other frogs.

What animals eat tadpoles?

Water snakes, fish such as bass and carp, baby alligators and crocodiles, young turtles, predatory insects such as dragonflies, predatory birds such as blue herons, frogs and other tadpoles