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floating gardens

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Q: What another word for chinampas?
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What is a sentence for chinampas?

Chinampas ain't a word, so I ain't gonna use it.

How do you use the word chinampa in a sentence?


What is another name for Aztec chinampas?

Another name for Aztec chinampas is "floating gardens." These chinampas were man-made agricultural plots built on the surface of lakes and marshes, where the Aztecs grew crops.

Who made chinampas?

I created chinampas, I am the god of chinampas

What were the floating islands called that were used by the Aztecs to grow food?

Aztec "floating gardens" called chinampas really didn't float, they were small man made islands. They were commonly used in Ancient Mexico and Central America and specifically in Tenochtitlan

Did the Aztecs construct chinampas?

Yes, The Aztecs constructed Chinampas.

The Aztec farmed using floating islands called what?

chinampas :-)

What are chinampas in Aztec time?

Chinampas is a special word sort of for "floating gardens." The chinampas were created because of space. The Aztecs didn't have enough room for farmland, so they created the" floating gardens" in a river near the market. Everyday they would pull the rope to pull it in and pick the grown crops. After picking them they would put more seeds in and put it back out to float. They never had to water the chinampas because lived on the water.

How did the geography of Tenochtitlan help the chinampas?

There was Lake Texcoco alongside of Tenochtitlan so it helped provide water for the chinampas.

Did mayans use chinampas?

I think that the Aztec's created the 'floating gardens" or Chinampas. I am 99.9% sure but maybe not. Sorry if I get this question wrong. :)

What might you see on a chinampas?


What might you see on chinampas?
