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The honest answer is always best. Take a good, hard look at yourself and figure out why you no longer want to be self-employed. Hopefully it's not just because your own business failed. If that is the reason, try to dig deeper. Why did it fail? Is it because you were not committed to making it succeed? (That's the #1 reason entrepreneurs fail: they give up too soon.) If you called it quits on your business decide how and why it happened. Practice explaining that story to yourself and your friends. Failing at one thing doesn't mean you'll be a failure at everything. The interviewer wants to know why you'll succeed at their workplace. Find the traits in yourself that didn't work for running your own business but will work helping their business succeed. People who have run their own businesses have a lot to offer employers. Even if your business failed, you will have a huge amount of wisdom and perspective that other employees without the same experience will never have. Find a way to sell your experience as a benefit; an asset for your potential employer instead of a liability.

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Q: What answer should you give to the job interviewer that asks 'Why do you no longer want to have your own business'?
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