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This is usually treated with prescription lozenges or mouthwashes. Some of the most-used prescriptions are nystatin mouthwashes (Nilstat or Nitrostat) and clotrimazole lozenges.

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None - Candida is a fungus, and must be treated with anti-fungal medication.

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Q: What antibiotics are used for candida?
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What do antibiotics promote the growth of?

Candida Albicans

What is capryl used for?

Capryl is a dietary supplement of caprylic acid, and is primarily used for candidiasis (an overgrowth of the normal intestinal flora, candida albicans). People sometimes get systemic candidiasis after use of antibiotics.

What causes Balanitis?

Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections, while topical antifungals such as clotrimazole can combat balanitis caused by Candida

What are the risk factors for candida vulvovaginitis?

previous candida infections, have AIDS , or are diabetic; women who use douches, perfumed feminine hygiene sprays, vaginal sponges, or an IUD; those taking birth control pills, antibiotics, or corticosteroids

What individuals are vulnerable to infection from candidiasis?

Candida may cause mouth infections in people with reduced immune function, or in patients taking certain antibiotics.

I was informed that any who ever took an antibiotic in there lifetime has Candida and I was wondering if ganoderma gets rid of this condition?

Candida is a type of yeast that lives in your digestive tract. It is very helpful to have it because it helps you break down and absorb your food. When the gut flora is in balance, other microorganisms keep the candida from overgrowing. So everybody has candida, and most people have no problems associated with it. When a person takes a course of antibiotics it can upset this delicate balance in the gastrointestinal tract and allow the candida to grow unchecked and cause the condition known as candidiasis, or thrush.

What are the economics importance of fungi candida albinians?

They serve as guard when grow at the two lips of vagina,they use eat away all germs trying to inter the opening that is why female are not allowed to use strong antibiotics that will kill all the candida present in the vagina.SANI SABO YARIMA

Do antibiotics cause yeast infection?

Antibiotics kill bacteria including the normal flora in your intestines and other places (including vagina) This can make conditions right for opportunistic infections, including candida which is responsible for most vaginal yeast infections

Does wearing a thong give women yeast infection?

NO! Unless the thong itself is contaminated with CANDIDA ALBICANS.... the germ. Check what's used to wipe the area, your sexual contact, blood sugar levels and possible long term use of antibiotics.

What is yeast candida overgrowth?

Atibiotics do not fix the problem, they help create it.....probiotics along with antifungals, either prescription or herbal, along with dietary changes are the answer. Candida is a yeast that can commonly infect women's genital area, and is commonly called Thrush. The actual name is Candida albicans. If you have an overgrowth it means you have a possible infection caused by this organism. It's not the end of the world. Antibiotics will fix it, but remember to have lots of Yoghurt afterwards. After antibiotics, the natural microflora (bacteria) that line the urinary tract and vagina are destroyed. Yoghurt helps put some back. You can also take a cultured drink or the like. The reason for the infection is because your natural flora has been "overrun" by the Candida, hence the "overgrowth".

What is the genus and species for candida albicans?

The genus of Candida albicans is Candida and the species is albicans.

What are antibiotics and how are they used?

different antibiotics are used for fighting different types of bacteria.