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Q: What apparatus will be used to measure mass of irregular solid?
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How can we calculate the density of a irregular solid or a liquid?

You can dip the irregular solid in a water or other suitable liquid. This is how, you can measure the volume of the solid. The mass can be measured by weighing scale. Mass/volume = density. It is easy to measure the mass and volume of the liquid. First measure the mass the container. Then add the liquid to it. You will get the mass of the liquid. Then measure the volume of the liquid. Use the above formula to calculate the density of the liquid.

What are the apparatus use to measure mass?


What apparatus used to measure the mass?

Newton meter (N).

Why find mass of irregular solid before finding volume?

So that the irregular solid isn't wet when you place it on the balance, since that would make it appear to have a greater mass than it actually does.

How do you measure the mass of a solid with a graduated cylinder without the density?

You cannot measure the mass of a solid with a graduated cylinder.

What to scientists use to measure the mass of an irregularly shaped solid?

A balance is used to measure the mass of an irregularly shaped solid.

What is the apparatus called to measure mass?

A balanced scale, which compares the mass of one object with that of another.

The mass of a regular solid is measured with what?

You can measure mass of a regular solid using a top-pan balance.

How do you measure the mass of a solid object?

Use a balance, assuming this object is relatively small. If you wanted to measure the mass of the earth or moon, the procedure is somewhat different.

Suppose you want to find the mass of a powdered solid in a small beaker. What two measurements must you make in order to obtain an accurate measurement of the solid's mass?

Measure the mass of the beaker including the powdered solid. Then empty the beaker, make sure ALL traces of the powder have been removed and measure the mass of the empty beaker. The difference between the two measure is the measure of the powdered solid.

Does a solid have definite mass?

Mass is the measure of the amount of matter in an object. A solid object has to be made up of something to be solid, therefore it has mass.

How do you find the mass of irregular object show the experiment?

submerge in liquid and measure the displacement