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chicken sweet potatoes soy beans and other stuff. by adriana

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Q: What are 10 things George Washington carver did with the peanut?
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George Washington Carver invented many uses for the peanut.

When George Washington invented peanut butter?

George Washington Carver invented peanuts and a lot more things from peanuts he was also called a peanut scientist. I'm glad to help you today about this!

Did George Washington Carver and Luther Burbank ever meet?

George Washington Carver was a scientist who is credited with many things. Among his accomplishments are peanut butter and various medications. During his life, Carver never met Luther Burbank.

The scientist who discovered more than 300 uses for peanuts?

George Washington Carver discovered peanuts and invented many things out of them.

What did George Carver do?

George Washington Carver invented many things from peanuts.

What did george washington carver make with the peanut?

He made over 100 uses for peanuts, including peanut butter, cosmetics, dyes, paints, plastics, gasoline, and nitroglycerine.peanut butter, ink, paper, and soap

Why did George Washington Carver work with peanuts?

George Washington Carver experimented and invented all kinds of things made out of peanuts. He wrote down more than 300 uses for peanuts, including peanut milk, peanut butter, peanut paper, and peanut soap.

Did George Washington Carver make rubber?

George Washington Carver did not invent rubber.

What did georgevwashington carver invent?

George Washington Carver invented many things I believe. One thing he invented was one of my favorite things, peanut butter. I think he created peanut oil also. he used peanuts to make things like peanut butter, milk, evaporated milk and many others that you can find in his biography.and yes he created peanut oil and i think over 300 other things.

Did George Washington Carver invent things on accident?


Did George Washington carver invented peanut butter?

No. George Washington Carver did not invent peanut butter. The earliest reference to peanut butter being made goes all the way back to around 1000 BC where the Ancient Incas were known to have made a paste out of peanuts. Since then, peanut butter has been "invented" numerous times by various individuals throughout history. Although Carver didn't invent peanut butter, he did play a significant role in popularizing it and his 1880 "invention" of peanut butter preceded most of the other modern "inventors" of peanut butter.No. George Washington Carver invented ways to use peanuts and other agricultural product in new ways, gving the poor farmers of that era the ability to make and use essential things without having to spend their hard-earned money at the general store.

What are four things George Washington Carver invent with peanuts?
