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Q: What are 2 main climates in southeast of Asia?
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The main reason Japan invaded Southeast Asia during World War 2 was to?

. . . to exploit mineral resources such as oil .

How did world war 2 approach Southeast Asia?

Please see the attached link regarding Southeast Asia during World War 2.

Which country overran Vietnam during World War 2?

During WWII, Japan occupied Southeast Asia. Vietnam is part of Southeast Asia.

Japan had conquered Southeast Asia during World War 2 using what slogan?

Asia for the asians

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How did World War 2 play a role in the eventual decolonization of Southeast Asia?

During World War II, Japanese controlled much of Southeast Asia from European nations. When the Japanese ruled the area, it showed them that Europeans were far from invincible. When the war ended, the Japanese left Southeast Asia. Europeans then wanted the land back. But many of the people of Southeast Asia did not want to live under the Europeans any longer. Southeast Asia eventually won independence and new nations were formed.

Did you fight Asia in World War 2?

Southeast Asia (Vietnam), Asia (Korea), Pacific (WW2), CBI (China, Burma, India Theater WW2).

What did the US do to Japan's aggression toward Southeast Asia in World War 2?

Trade embargoes.

What is the third longest river in Asia?

Mekong The longest in Southeast Asia is the Mekong River : 4,909 km - 3,050 miles. It is the 3rd longest in Asia.

What was the main reason to Japan invade southeast Asia during world war 2?

To dominate the Pacific region and possess all of its resources. The Japanese believe they are superior to all other nations, and at that time, they were trying to create an empire across all of east Asia.

Where did nz troops fight in World War 2 and what were the conditions like?

In the southeast parts of Asia with Australia