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Q: What are 3 issues remain unsolved after the American revolution?
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Who remain loyal to the King of England during American Revolution?

the loyalists

How did the social inequalities remain after the American Revolution?

The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. That social barrier seem to remain a constant.

What do you call the colonists that remain loyal to the King of England during the American Revolution?

Loyalists or Tories.

Why is the dispute between Pakistan and India still unsolved?

The dispute between India and Pakistan is still unsolved and will remain unsolved till the interest of many, other than than Indian and Pakistan is involved to keep it alive.

A loyalists that fought in the revolution was?

Loyalists were those persons opposed to the American Revolution. They believed that Americans should be happy to remain British colonies. They were also called "Tories".

During the American Revolution many Native Americans tried to remain WHAT?

Neutral, I'm 100% sure since I looked up the answer!

What did the loyalist beleve?

A loyalist wanted to remain loyal to England, they did not support the American Revolution and some fought along side the British Regulars.

Why didn't the French get back Canada after the American Revolution?

The French did not get back Canada after the American Revolution because the Canadians wanted to remain under England. The Canadians had not experienced the intolerable acts that had caused the rebellion of the colonies that became the United States. The Canadians had much more freedom under England that they had enjoyed under France. So, they wanted to remain English.

Why would a loyalist leave America during the American Revolution?

During the American Revolution, a number of colonists wanted to remain loyal to Great Britain. Because of social pressure from many other Americans that wanted independence, many loyalists decided to move to British Canada.

What are some of the unsolved mysteries of astronomy?

One of the biggest unsolved mysteries of astronomy is what happened before the Big Bang. The question of what events caused the gigantic explosion have not been explained. The matter that was always present could not remain in a stable condition and just explode all at once. One unsolved mystery of astronomy is the creation of a Type Ia Supernova.

Why does the majority of cases that are reported to the police for investigation remain unsolved?

inefficiency,political pressure,bribe,bias and less interest in work are all the reasons.

What issues remain unsettled from constitution convention?

natural rights