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popularity , gossip, and craziness

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Q: What are 3 laws that a teenager must follow?
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What are some of the ancient laws?

#1 - Thou must worship Chuck Norris #2- If thou does not follow rule number thou, thou shall be roundhouse kicked to Olympus #3 - Muffins :3

What are the laws of a Muslim to follow?

There are five pillars of Islam: 1) There is no god but Allah, one must obey him 2) You must pray five times a day facing Macca 3) You must pay hadj -money for the poor 4) You must fast during the monthe of Ramadam 5) You must go on toa pilgrimage in Mecca once in your lifetime

What is more important Acting morally or legally?

Morally. There are levels of morality as it relates to law. Lowest to highest... 1. I follow the law 2. I follow all laws and try to change bad ones 3. I follow good laws and violate immoral ones, trying to change them at the same time.

How old is the teenager?

when they get their unicorn powers =3

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Why is newton credited for gravity?

Issac Newton was the first person to theorize the laws of gravity, and wrote 3 principles (Newton's 3 Laws Of Motion) that all objects must follow. His 3 principles were first published in 1687, and since then, many noted physicists, astronomers, and scientists have used them to explain and understand the movements of the universe. Gravity has always been here, since the dawn of time, but Newton is credited for explaining how it worked.

What 3 things does the government do?

Well a government comes up with rules like less teachers which wasn't a good idea by Christi and they enforce it

What are the characteristics of fair and just laws?

Just laws must have the following characteristics: 1. Enforceable- for laws to be effective, they must be able to be obeyed 2. Acceptable- to be successful, laws must be accepted and obeyed by the vast majority of members of society 3. Discoverable- laws cannot be secret; everyone needs to know how laws operate in a particular situation. They cannot be retrospective; i.e. an act performed today cannot be made illegal tomorrow then applied to yesterday's action

In which 2 movies are the '3 laws of robotics' relevant?

Isaac Asimov's 3 Laws Of Robotics should form the basis for the movie adaptation of "I, Robot" (2004), but none of the robots seem obliged to follow them. In "Bicentennial Man" (1999), the concern is less for what robots do, as what they are.

What are the 3 rules that DNA replication must follow?

DNA cannot replicate de novo (i.e. there must be a free 3' OH group to attach nucleotides to) Replication must go from 5' to 3' The two strands of DNA are antiparallel Complementary base pairing

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What do you have to do to pass high-school?

To pass high school you must follow their criteria,such as 3 semesters of foreign language, and more.