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Q: What are 3 things humans can do to help the survival of dolphins?
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Can dolphins help humans?

Yes, a dolphin can save a human.

Are dolphins helpful to humans?

yes,they help get fish into fishing nets

How do dolphins help humans?

dolphins help people by finding mines and bombs under the ocean . they sometimes protect people from sharks when people are about to be killed.

How sharks and dolphins important to humans?

they help keep the fish population down

How do dolphins help the army?

Since dolphins are highly intelligent humans can use them in the millatary and the navy. Dolphins help locate lost divers, under water buried mines, coral rock or debris in shallow cluttered waters.

How are humans consumers?

It is a consumer.

Do dolphins protect humans?

Dolphins are social mammals, living in groups called pods. But they are not just friendly to other dolphins, they are also known to protect humans from sharks by swimming around the human or charging at the shark to make them leave.Dolphins have been known to show cultural behavior, a trait that was thought to be unique only to humans, which may be why they are so intelligent.Another reason why they are so friendly to humans is because their curious of us. Of course, a dolphin being curious isn't always a good thing. When dolphins get to close to boats, they can get caught in a net injured by a propellers from a boat.Dolphins are social mammals, living in groups called pods. But they are not just friendly to other dolphins, they are also known to protect humans from sharks by swimming around the human or charging at the shark to make them leave.Dolphins have been known to show cultural behavior, a trait that was thought to be unique only to humans, which may be why they are so intelligent.Another reason why they are so friendly to humans is because their curious of us. Of course, a dolphin being curious isn't always a good thing. When dolphins get to close to boats, they can get caught in a net injured by a propellers from a boat.

How are dolphin helpful to humans?

They're helpful because they are the most sociable/playfulness creatures in the bays ever. They sense when people are in trouble easily and most of the time they will save a human from danger due to their huge mind of intelligence.

Why were robots created?

Robots were created to help out with things tough for humans.

How help us humans?

pick up small things that we cant

How do animals accept their habitat?

Well, they did until humans dicided to ruin there habitat by burning and chopping down trees ( and killing, and skinning animals ) but somtimes people need to do these things for food, and survival, In other words: Animals WOULD accept there habitat if humans had not ruined it. Hope this help :) Jodie Cameron.

What are the bottlenose dolphins species survival status?

well killer whales are least concern but before japan killed dolphins soo now their survival status is common but WWF is working on it with the help of captivity in aquariums their common soon they will be least concern but their fine dont worry and in some places its illegal to kill dolphins!!