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The president has several powers including the power to nominate federal judges. The president can also veto legislation passed by Congress, and pardon felons.

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Q: What are 3 things the president has the power to do?
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Why does a president not have the power to add things to the US Constitution?

It the US president had power to add things to the US constitution, then they could indefinitely extend their power, making them a dictator. The constitution limited the president's power to prevent such a situation from occurring, knowing too well the dangers of unchecked power in one man's hands.

What are the 3 parts of Congressional power?

president, vice president, and Cabinet members.

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Republican's lost whatever "power" they had because of what President Nixon did. President Nixon believed "If it's the president that does it, it isn't illegal." He felt he could do illegal things if he was president.

How does the veto power differ between the president and vice president?

The president has 100% veto power and can shut down anything.The vice president has 3/4 veto power. A vice presidential veto can be overridden by a 75% vote of the house or senate.

What keeps the President from having total power?

The system of checks and balances that has been in place since the signing of the Constitution prevents the president from abusing his power. The Supreme Court has the power to investigate things that the president has done. If it is deemed necessary the Senate can impeach the president. Impeachment is a trial that can result in removal from office. Congress has power over a lot of what the president does. They approve the appointments, approve any legislations or treaties, etc. There are many more things in place to prevent the president from abusing his power. These things have been improved upon for the last few hundred years.

Why is the president's powers often debated?

Some people feel that the president should have little to almost no power over things and some people want the president to have a lot of the authority. The people who didn't want the president to have a lot of power were usually afraid that they might turn into dictators.

Why would someone shoot a president?

because they could not like the president because the way he is and they could be mean and things like that jealous of their power Mary

What 3 things that the president must balance many considerations?

the people of the usa.

What are 3 important things about Hugo Chavez?

He is a president, he is a military man, he is a socialist.

Who is underneath the head of the Executive branch in power?

The Executive branch consists of 1. The US President 2. His Vice President 3. The President's Cabinet who advise him

What power does the vice president have?

well he gets to take over if something happen to the actual president and he helps the president for decisions and to help advise things when he's not around kind of like his main back up for certain things. <><><> The Vice President also presides over the US Senate, and in the event of a tie vote, casts the tie-breaking vote.

What are examples where congress has power over the president?

Power of the purse: congress can limit funding on things like war the president supportsAppointment confirmation: congress has to agree on the appointment of officials by the president.Congress can remove a president that is not doing his/her job.