

What are 3 ways humus can add to soil Erosion?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are 3 ways humus can add to soil Erosion?
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Is humus a type of soil?

Of course it does! Humus is made of dead stuff and orginc matter and this helps the soil add more nutrients.

When earthworms add their wastes to the soil the die and decay in the soil they ar contributing to the formation of what?

They contribute to the formation of Humus, pronouced HYOO mus

How can farmers farm differently to help with soil erosion?

add more soil or have cows turn up more soil

Type of crop that is planted between harvests to reduce soil erosion?

Legumes can be planted between harvests to reduce soil erosion. It also helps add nitrogen and other organic matters to the soil.

What is the effect of plants on the abiotic environment during primary succession?

The roots of the plants can break down rocks to form soil particles. They can also prevent erosion by holding the soil. Plants can add humus to the soil as They decompose returning minerals. The presence of plants aerates soil, provides shade and reduces water content as well.

How do forests conserve soil?

The tree's roots holds the soil and soaks up water to prevent soil erosion. Actually, it's the action of "soaking up water" that will cause soil erosion, just like too much water will cause soil erosion. The real answer to this question is really about the litter that the trees create that minimizes--not prevents--soil erosion. Soil erosion is also prevented in treeless areas like in natural grasslands where the same thing happens: the roots and litter layed down by dead plant material conserves and minimizes soil erosion.

What are the importance of soil animals?

An animal such as the little segmented, tube-like earthworm loosens the soil and aerates it. Such loose, airfilled soil is beneficial for the plants. The earthworm also eats organic matter and deposits it in the soil, thereby enriching it with nutrients that the plants in your garden love!

What makes a good soil additive?

It depends what you are adding it for. If you want to improve the condition of light sandy soil add humus rich material such as compost or peat to help retain moisture .If the soil is clay or heavy add rough sand or gravel to improve drainage. In both cases fork the material in.

What are some ways to protect consever soil?

Answerby planting grass Very Science-y!

Why are earthworms are called farmer's friend?

they aerate soil and eat organic matter and turn it into plant food

What are the different ways by nitrogen in the air reaches the soil?

Nitrogen can enter the soil from plants such as legumes which fix nitrogen in their roots. Also dead plants and animals add nitrogen into the soil.

What are the ways of preserving soil fertility?

keep it fresh make sure the soil doesn't go dry add water and sometimes add some food left overs not too much though or the soil wink start to stink . if you try to plant plants dry soil they die not enough vitamins or water in the soil.