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1) Plant cells have Cell Walls

2) Plant cells have Chlorophyll

3) Plant cells don't have Mitochondria

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Q: What are 3 ways that plant cells differ from the cells of other eukaryote?
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Are Golgi bodies animal or plant cells?

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Is grass a eukaryote?

It is a eukaryote because all plant cells are eukaryotes.

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Golgi bodies are in both plant and animal cells. Golgi bodies are an organelle usually found in eukaryote cells and both plant and animal cells are eukaryote.

What type of cells do plants have?

Plant cells. :D

Is a plant cell a prokaryotic cell?

No. A plant cell is a eukaryote, because it has a nucleus

What are two main types of eukaryote?

Plant Cells and Animal Cells

How do eukaryotic cells differ from each other?

Eukaryotic cells differ from each other due to their structure and function

What is the difference between plant cells eukaryote cells and prokaryote cells?

cell is just a general term. plant cells have large vacuoles, rigid cell wall, and a square shape. eukaryote cells have a nucleus, whereas a prokaryote does not.

Cells that have a nucleus?

the plant and animal cell which are also called Eukaryote cells

Do eukaryote have cell walls?

Plant eukaryotic cells do. Animal eukaryotic cells do not.

Is a plant cell a prokaryote or eukaryote why?

Plant cells have an organized nucleus.So they are eukaryotic.

What types of cells have a cell membrane cytoplasm and a nucleus?

Plant and animal cellsThey are in eukariyotic cells. Prokariyotes do not have mitochondria