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1. Reduce the fuelling of diesel engines so that the amount of carbon dioxide and particulate Carbon they produce is reduced.

2. Manage forests better to prevent wildfires emitting carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere.

3. Reduce our consumption of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

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11y ago
  1. Reduce your use of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). The burning of fossil fuel in industry, transport and the generation of electricity, releases carbon dioxide (CO2).
  2. Start using renewable energy (solar, wind, water, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal, ocean thermal, biomass and biofuel).
  3. Plant millions of trees (trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere).
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11y ago

The primary method is to reduce the amount of fossil fuel that is being burned for your benefit. Some direct reductions you can make include driving less (so less gasoline is burned), using less electricity at home by turning off lights and other electronic devices when not in use (so less coal is burned at the power plant to generate electricity) and being careful to not purchase items that you don't really need (which reduces the amount of fossil fuels being consumed by manufacturing plants).

You can also help by supporting green spaces around the world, including in your own community - the more trees and other plants we have around, the more carbon dioxide they can pull from the environment through photosynthesis. You can also focus on increasing the rate and availability of recycling in your community.

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12y ago

Avoid using fossil fuels. The more energy you can conserve, the less CO2 should ultimately be emitted.

Plant trees. Trees with long life spans can sequester carbon for centuries.

Switch to alternate energy sources. Conserving energy helps, but switching to renewable resources like wind, water, geothermal, and nuclear power also reduces carbon emissions.

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