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1. tell them to stop talking to you

2. tell them to leave you alone

3. if these dont work go tell a teacher or a adult you trust

I personally disagree with the third option, you must confront him psychologically.

While he is using physical force to make a point, you have the ability to put ideas in his head and completely change his mental state.

You are probably saying 'say what??' by now...

For those of you that didnt understand, it means that you should tell him things like:

Why are you picking on me? -- He gives you a lame answer -- you tell him that is no excuse to treat people like that ( if you really did something to him, say sorry and tell him that you are ready to call a truce), if you didn't do anything to him then tell him that he is taking out his frustration on you, tell him he has if he has his own problems he should not take them out on other people.

This is a psychological tactic. You plant the idea in the bully's head that he really is venting his caged anger out on you. This will work like its way like a poison! At first he starts to think twice about confronting you, then he cant sleep at night, thinking about what you told him, after a while the least outcome is that you even the score and he never talks to you again. The best outcome would be that he apologizes to you and opens his heart to you, take advantage of this, become his friend, tell him it is ok and you understand.

Honestly, if this doesnt work, i dont know what you can do.... other than hire a trained assassin! No, seriously, you will encounter people who are naturally aggresive and will not respond to psychological tactics, in this case, gather a few friends, 3 or 4 at least and confront him all at once and tell him to back off. this is the Wolf-pack tactic, power in numbers.

I hope i helped and goodluck.

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Q: What are 3 ways to tell a bully to leave you alone?
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