

Best Answer

Christianity is based on the holy bible which consists of the new and old testaments. Where the Old Testament ends and the New Testament begins is where Christianity branched off from Judiasm with the birth of Jesus Christ. Therefore up to that point the two religions share the same stories and holidays of the Bible such as the story of Moses, Noah's Ark, Jonah and the whale, etc. Christians believe in their savior Jesus Christ. For Jews, their savior has not emerged yet.

Jewish answer:

No Jewish holy days are connected to Christian feasts. If you had put the question the other way around, then we could list some Christian occasions which are based, wholly or partially, on Jewish festivals.

Christian answer:

There are actually SEVEN annual holy day feasts commanded and listed by God in Leviticus 23.

"...the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations [commanded assemblies], these ARE MY FEASTS." (Lev.23:2 KJV)

"...I AM the LORD your God. And Moses declared unto the children of Israel THE FEASTS OF THE LORD." (verses 43-44)

This is one of the world's best-kept secrets from both the Jews and modern professing Christianity... in that Satan has BOTH of these groups deceived regarding them.

Jesus Himself reveals that He is the LORD who established them; and the One of whom they all speak and to whom they all point. They are ALL CHRIST-CENTERED.

"...For our Passover Lamb has already been offered in sacrifice - even Christ." (I Cor.5:7 WEY Weymouth's New Testament)

"...the Son of Man IS LORD even OF THE SABBATH." (Mark 2:28 WEY)

"...everything must be fulfilled that is written in the Law of Moses and in the Prophets and the Psalms CONCERNING ME." (Luke 24:44 WEY)

The great deception in the world regarding these Holy Feasts of the LORD, is in the fact that the Jews observe them not knowing that Christ is the LORD whose feasts they are -- and modern professing Christianity REJECTS them, believing that they are Jewish feasts!

But in any case... there are seven of them; they are listed in Leviticus 23, and they are: 1) The Passover, 2) the Days of Unleavened Bread, 3) Pentecost, 4) the Feast of Trumpets, 5) the Day of Atonement, 6) the Feast of Tabernacles, and 7) the Last Great Day.

Together, they reveal the complete plan for God's Salvation of mankind... beginning with the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, that He fulfilled on that Passover day long ago.

"...For you were killed, and your blood has ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. And you have caused them to become God's Kingdom and His priests. And they will reign on the earth." (Rev.5:9-10 NLT New Living Translation)

And they conclude with the "Last Great Day"... Judgment Day.

"On the Last Day, the climax of the festival [the Feast of Tabernacles; that pictures the thousand year rule of Christ], Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, 'If you are thirsty, COME TO ME! If you believe in Me, come and drink! For the Scriptures declare that rivers of Living Water will flow out from within. (When He said 'Living Water,' He was speaking of the Spirit, that would be given to everyone believing in Him. But the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet entered into His Glory.)" (John 7:37-39 NLT)

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No Jewish holy days are connected to Christian feasts, since the Jewish Torah existed many centuries before Christianity. See: The Jewish festivals

If you had asked your Question the other way around, it would have been possible to list certain Christian occasions that are based, or partly based, upon Jewish holy days or festivals.

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There are a 'little flock' within Christianity that celebrate all 7 Festivals/Holy Days just as first celebrated by the House of Israel and the Jewish religion today. However, these days are now enlarged in meaning and considered to show God's Plan to save all mankind with each picturing a since completed or future event as follows:

Passover - 14th day of first month after sunset - a memorial of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ - "Our Passover" - which made possible the forgiveness of our sins. (see Leviticus 23:5; Luke 22:15-20; John 13:1-5, 14-15; 1 Corinthians 5:17).

Days of Unleavened Bread - 15-21st of first month - pictures putting sin out of our lives and striving to obey God's commandments. (see Leviticus 21:6-8; Exodus 12:15-20, 42; 1 Corinthians 5:6-8).

Pentecost - 'Fiftieth' day, in the 3rd month - Depicts the Church of the firstfruits of salvation, the first to be spiritually begotten and born into God's future Family. (see Leviticus 23:15-21; Acts 2:1-4; Romans 8:23).

Feast of Trumpets - 1st of the seventh month - points to the 2nd Coming of Jesus to intervene in world affairs, resurrecting the firstfruits and establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth (see Leviticus 23:23-25; Matthew 14:30-31; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 11:15).

Day of Atonement - 10th day of seventh month - future portrayal of the binding and removal of Satan for 1,000 years so mankind can at last be made 'At One' with God (see Leviticus 23:16-32; Leviticus 16:7-31 and Revelation 20:1-3).

Feast of Tabernacles - 15-21st of the seventh month - pictures the 1,000 year rule of Christ and the spirit-born children of God on Earth where salvation will be offered to all (see Leviticus 23:34-35, 39-42; Zechariah 14:16-19; Isaiah 2:1-4 and Revelation 20:4).

Last Great Day - 22nd day of the seventh month - pictures the Judgement process when the vast majority of mankind will be resurrected to mortal life again and given the opportunity for salvation (see Leviticus 23:36; Ezekiel 37:1-14; Matthew 12:41-42 and Revelation 20:5, 11-12).

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