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Q: What are 5 different ways antibiotics kill bacteria?
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How do antibiotics fight bacterial infections?

The prime function of the antibiotic is to kill the bacteria. Antibiotics work in two ways. It either kills the bacteria or it prevents it. Bacteria usually multiply in the body and they have single cell. Antibiotics does not attack the cell in the body, it only attacks the virus or bacteria and destroys it. An antibiotic has the capability of changing glucose into energy. It also forms a wall to prevent the virus from getting in. Different antibiotics have different method of working depending on the bacteria. Antibiotics specifically aims and attacks the bacteria. Hence the patient is always safe. Antibiotics also avoid the bacteria from multiplying. Antibiotics are safe to humans and animals but they do have side effects at times on some people. It is always advisable to consult your doctor before taking any kind of antibiotics.

What are the 5 ways in which bacteria can be killed?

antibiotics, and vaccine shots

Give several ways in which the development of antibiotics-resistant pathogen can be slowed or prevented?

Give fewer antibiotics to humans and animals. Ensure that when antibiotics are given, they are used in sufficiently high dosages and for long enough to kill as many bacteria as possible.

How do bacteria help humans?

It help us in many different ways like they digest our food they give us witamin K they find the bad bacteria

Why should penicillin never be used to treat viral diseases?

Some infections are caused by germs called bacteria. These bacterial infections respond to antibiotics-if the right one is used. Virus are germs that do not respond to antibiotics. Antibiotics work in many different ways to destroy bacteria. But viruses are usually to small and work inside cells therefore antiotics don't work.

How do you stop bacteria from multiplying?

Bacteria grows rapidly and there a ways and one of the main ways to stop them from multiplying is to kill them with alcohol or chemicals

How does bactericidal work?

Bactericidal agents work by killing bacteria directly. They disrupt the structure or function of bacterial cells, leading to their death. Examples of bactericidal agents include antibiotics like penicillin, which inhibit cell wall synthesis, and disinfectants like bleach, which denature proteins and DNA in bacteria.

Does antibiotics kill bacteria?

they get attack by white blood cells. then they outnumbered the white blood cells. then antibiotics finished then off. they go in and destroy the bacteria as it is a gun. thank u for reading!

How do antibiotics affect nucleic acid?

There are several types of antibiotics that all act in different ways. Could you be more specific?

List 4 ways in which bacteria are helpful to people?

1.Bacteria play the role of converting milk into curd. 2. They are the antibiotics which we use(eg. penicilin) 3.They decompose the dead animals.

How has the species of bacteria become resistant?

In a large population of bacteria, there may be some cells that are not affected by the antibiotic. These cells survive and reproduce, producing even more bacteria that are not affected by the antibiotic.

What are ways that bacteria are help to people?

1 ) some (like in yogurt) eat bad things in your body 2)gets rid of oil spills3) helps clean gas spills4) decomposerWhat some people might not know, is that bacteria is helpful to the human body in numerous ways. Here I will list just 4 ways bacteria helps humans. (1) Certain types of bacteria live in the intestines of humans and they help in digestion and in destroying the harmful organisms. (2) Intestinal bacteria also produces some vitamins required by the human body. (3) There is bacteria that helps to break down lactose in the digestive tract. And lastly, (4) Bacteria on the skin helps to protect humans from different fungus. Bacteria is found everywhere, water, food, and air carries bacteria from one person to another. To keep the harmful bacteria away, remember that antibiotics are the number one killer of harmful bacteria. Always washing your hands with antiseptic soap helps to kill away the bad bacteria.