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I only know four of them i came across them looking for the fifth: Cadillac, Ford, Pontiac, Chrysler< Sammy hochule

The 5th one is: "Olds" Olds Motor Works, Ransome Eli Olds produced 425 Curved Dash Olds in 1901 HI!!

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Q: What are 5 makes of cars named after famous men in Michigan?
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What are the names of the Five makes of cars named after famous men in michiganan?

The five are Cadillac, Ford, Chrysler, Pontiac, and Oldsmobile.

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me driving them

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Detroit, Michigan is famous for both having a great world class music as well as a renowned automobile industry. Michigan is also known for it's travel, energy extraction and farming industries.

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From what I can tell there is not a location for Cars for Kids in Michigan. You can however donate to them from anywhere in the U.S.

In which states are cars made in the United States?

Detroit, Michigan, is a famous car-manufacturing city. That's why it's known as Mo-Town (motor city).

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