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All people are created equal: rich, poor, black, white, man, woman, etc. Our "rights" must be conducted within God's will and law. This is why issues such as homosexuality is controversial. Many/most people in the secular world say people have the right to be homosexual; however, the Christian will say that homosexuality goes against God's will and is a sin to act on homosexual desires. The same goes for abortion and same-sex marriage.

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14y ago
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15y ago

== Women are subjects to their husband.

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. "Ephesians 5;22-24

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13y ago

There are a few possible answers to this. I will give you mine and some other people who disagree can give you theirs.

I believe in complimentarianism. Long word to say that men and women are equal but have different tasks. We are equal in value but not in function. We see the equality in genesis when God created us. He did not set man over woman or woman over man. He created us equal.

So we have equal value. But we also have different tasks. It is obvious from creation that men and women have different roles in life. Women can get pregnant men cannot. Men are stronger (as a rule) than women. We are created with different abilities for different tasks.

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13y ago

Many people who support the view that men rule over women like to quote the biblical passages calling for wives to submit to their husbands. They tend to omit the much more difficult and less commonly remembered exhortation that the husbands "be like christ" to their wives.

Biblically, men and women are different but equal. Each has their roles, but ultimately flexibility has been shown to be key. Since the subjects affected by sexism are people and not objects, it's a fluid relationship which is underway, not a rigid series of rules.

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10y ago

Like chattel property. Let's start with the "fall of Eve" poem in Genesis 3. Eve is blamed for Adam's "fall" and this blame continues throughout history all the way through St Paul's mysogynism, up to St Augustine's schizophrenia and on into medieval rape-and-pillage "chivalry".

Remember Gideon who promised God the first thing that came out of his house, and ended up sacrificing his daughter on an altar to Jehovah. This is typical of 2500 years of Judaeo-Christian hatred for women.

The early Jews, ca 700-500 BC, worshipped the Queen of Heaven. But Jehovah's jealous and politically astute preists, prophets and adherents passionately hated any suggestion of female deity and their worshippers. Read for yourself what Jehovah's prophets have to say about it: Jeremiah 7:18; Jeremiah 44:15-18; 2 Kings 21:7; Judges 10:6; 1 Samuel 7:4, 1 Samuel 12:10; 1 Samuel 31:10, etc.

Archaeology demonstrates clearly that Anath, the Queen of Heaven was worshipped in the temple, side by side with Jehovah in the 6th century BC in Elephantine.

However, that cult of Judaism did not survive the editing of Javne (q.v.). Manuscripts from the first century discovered at Qumran in the 20th century, which include Biblical scrolls, conclusively prove that the first century version of the Hebrew scriptures did not survive intact to the Masoretic Text. Our oldest copy of the Masoretic Text dates from the late tenth century, some 900 years AFTER the era of Jesus and the apostles. The differences are astounding.

It appears that the rabbis of the common era, beginning with Javne and continuing for the next 800 years decided to do some judicious editing in order to create a monolithic Judaism, much as the Emperor Constantine and the Nicaean Council tried to do with Christianity. All the sects and alternate practices of Judaism were edited out of the scripture and forgotten until 20th century archaeologists uncovered troves of early documents in enough disparate places to prove that alternate Judaism and alternate Christianity was truly wide-spread throughout the Roman Empire, the hellenistic worlds and even the Parthian and Sassanid empires.

Unfortunately, the cults of Judaism and Christianity which survived were those sects which craved power and needed women to be kept "in their place". Neither religion was originally patriarchal or imperialistic, but by the ninth or tenth century what was left was definitely both.

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