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Q: What are Examples of flat organizations?
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What does flat management mean?

Flat management is an organization with zero or few levels of middle management between employees and the executive. Other names of flat management are delayering or horizontal organizations.

What are examples of Intel architecture and its different organizations?

8008808080858086 & 80888018680286803868048680586/Pentiumetc.

What are some examples of organizations that support the development of long term care facilities?

There are several examples of organizations that support the development of long term care facilities. These organizations include American Health Quality Association, National Clearing House, and State Health & Senior Services.

Flat organization structure advantages?

The main advantage of flat organization structure in increased coordination and timely spread of information among different departments. The top management is closer to the middle management which makes it easier for the upper management to communicate effectively to the lower level management. Flat organizations as contrary to tall structures are more effective in terms of innovation and empowerment. Flat organizations require increased coordination and use of teams and work group setting. The policies are easier and quicker to implement in flat organizations. The disadvantage is that organizations have to cope up with the challenges of greater flexibility in the form of opposing views of team members. The group and team conflicts need to be handled efficiently.

What are some Examples of social organizations?

A social group is a collection of people who share an interest and who usually gather to discuss their areas of concern. A ladies' gardening group is an example, but so is the National Rifle Association.

What are some organizations that can help a family with marfan syndrom?

ther are alot of examples

What are the conglomerate organizations?

General Electric and United Technologies are examples of conglomerate corporations.