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1) Aspiration - in order to succeed you should have a enormous desire to break out of the average 9 - 5 cap, to step off the treadmill of job-employee-salary and to put your ideas, principles and philosophy into action. An entrepreneur's craving for personal satisfaction and success is his primary strength and that which will drive him to begin building a business. This hunger to achieve turns out to be a desire for success and this desire for success will be manifested all through the business.

2) Having a Positive Mental Attitude - Entrepreneurs always thinks positive towards their life, their business and themselves; they are not restrained by failure and regrets and always look forward. A person with positive mental attitude sees obstacles as opportunities and does not hold their mind from negative forces and disappointment so that it has freedom to imagine, expand, dream and develop.

3) Being Committed - Working hard to build a business from the bottom in order to succeed should be done with commitment. You have to entrust to your philosophy and aspiration, you have to be committed to your business idea and you have to be committed to the employees within your company. Commitment produce exertion, exertion produce results and results produce success!

4) Being Patient - Entrepreneurs who are patient and dedicated towards working away at their business day by day will harvest the prize of their patience when the steady and concentrated hard work pays off in the form of positive and successful results.

5) Being Persistent - No one knows the future and nothing is ever unswerving or without disagreement or change. These situation means that these are the most important entrepreneurial attribute which is simply critical to success. When hurdles appear, when goal posts are moved and when 'we are tried' you have to persevere with your ideas, persevere with your hard work and concentrate on success. Then the desired results will come with patient and committed persistence.

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Q: What are Filipino values favorable to entrepreneurship?
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