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gold, timber, industrial diamonds, bauxite, manganese, fish, rubber, hydropower, petroleum, silver, salt, limestone

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Tyree Cassin

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3y ago
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3mo ago

Ghana's Natural Resources include gold, cocoa, timber, bauxite, manganese, and oil. These resources play a significant role in the country's economy, with gold being the most valuable mineral export. Additionally, Ghana has deposits of natural gas, diamonds, and limestone.

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11y ago

Nigeria has several resources that are natural and in abundance. For example, they have a vast amount of oil, natural gas, coal, bauxite, tantalite, gold, tin, iron ore, limestone, niobium, lead and zinc. Remember that these are the minerals in enough abundance to be counted as inclusive in the country.

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12y ago

Ogun is a state that God love and cherish. God bless him with many resources such as forest, agricultural products, land, water, air that we breath, lime stone, animals etc. Indeed, God realy loves Ogun state. May God help our leaders and the people of Ogun state to know how to utilize them.

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13y ago

Nigeria has many natuaral resources, however the main and most profitable one is oil

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12y ago

There natural resources are salt and gold. they became rich with salt and they love gold.

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Q: What are Ghana natural resources?
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What has the author Wolfram Laube written?

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Ghana is not near or part of South Africa. However,Ghana's natural reources include gold, silver, industrial diamonds, bauxite, manganese, timber, rubber, hydropower, petroleum, salt, and limestone

How did Ghana achieve economic success?

Ghana has achieved economic success by making use of its natural resources, as well as participating in a 3 year plan in conjunction with the IMF.

What were two valuable resources traded in Ghana?

Gold and salt were the main resources traded in Ghana.

What are the national symbols of Ghana?

the national symbols promotes there agricultural wealth of Ghana,Gold mined which stand for the richness of natural resources in ghana,it also promote freedom of africa,the eagle which bears the national motto of ghana freedom and justices which could also regarded as there national anthem.

Is Ghana in Iraq?

No! Ghana is not in Iraq. Ghana is a Sovereign country in West Africa, with population of over twenty-two million. Ghana is endowed with valuable natural resources like: The sun, oil, gold, fertile lands and may others in abundance. The country is one of the most peaceful in the world.

Why does Ghana trade?

All countries, and Ghana is no exception, usually have local natural resources that are rare in other countries and lack some natural resources that are common in other countries. Trade involves selling things you produce to provide money to purchase things you lack. Humans have been doing this at a personal, national and global level since time immemorial.

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Ghana as a country will earn more money from the electricity being used in the country and America willgain use of ghanas natural resources.

What were the two major resources in Ghana?

salt and gold

How did the people in Ghana use their resources and economic skills to build the empire rich?

There are various resources available in Ghana. Gold is the resource that mainly helped Ghana to become wealthy. Other resources include cocoa, diamond, oil and so much more.