

What are Hz in a processor?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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12y ago

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Hz is short for Hertz, the rhythm, or pace at which the processor works.

If it was 100 Hz, the processor would be able to do 100 small tasks each second.

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Q: What are Hz in a processor?
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"When comparing processors, you need to look at the HZ it puts out and the amount of RAM it gives. A higher number in GHZ will result in a faster processor. Although without an appropriate RAM to match the processor, The speed will not be fully utilized."

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All depends on the processor. The processors specification should include a 'clock speed' which will be specified in multiples of Hz. 1 Hz = 1 cycle per second

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The original 8088 processor had a maximum clock frequency of 5 MHz. As implemented in the original IBM PC, it ran at 4.77 MHz. There were variations of the 8088 that could run at 8 MHz.

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A Hz is a measure of cycles per second. 25 MHz is 25,000,000 Hz. So divide 1 second by 25,000,000 to find the length of a clock cycle. 1/25000000 = 4.0e-8 seconds / cycle

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The performance or speed of a processor depends on e.g. the clock rate and the Instructions Per Clock (IPC), which together are the factors for the Instructions per second (IPS) that the CPU can perform.So speed of processor can be measured by IPS alone.

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10 Hz 10 Hz