

What are LDL levels?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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11y ago

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Low density lipoprotein (LDL) is the "bad cholesterol". It is the type of cholesterol that builds up in the walls of arteries and causes vascular disease. For most people a desirable level is 130 but whether to treat with medications varies widely between 70 and 190 depending on your other risk factors.

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Q: What are LDL levels?
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Will eating certain high cholesterol foods cause a rise in my LDL levels?

If you eat large amounts of animal based foods such as bacon sausage, or cold cuts, then you may develop high LDL levels. Any sorts of fried foods can also cause spikes in LDL levels. Trans fats also raise your LDL levels. Chips, butter and sugar foods are all in that category.

What is the difference between LDH and LDL cholesterol levels?

LDL cholesterol levels are the calculation of bad levels in your body while HDL is considered to by the levels of good cholesterol in your body. Good cholesterol ratings can be maintained with proper exercise and diet.

Does depakote change your ldl levels?

Depakote has been shown to sometimes increase LDL levels. Most patients on Depakote undergo regular blood testing to keep an eye on their liver function and cholesterol levels.

Does caffeine ingestion affect blood test levels of serum glucose or LDL?

It affects triglycerides by increasing lipolysis and therefore free fatty acid/glycerol levels, don't think it affects LDL cholesterol.

Is Increased HDL levels are directly related to increased risk of a heart attack?

No, HDL is the "good" one, it is high levels of LDL that you want to avoid. High HDL, low LDL is considered the "heat healthy" situation.

What does it mean if you have high LDL-P?

LDL-P stands for 'LDL-Particles' (as opposed to LDL-C which is LDL-Cholesterol). It's measured with a blood test commonly called "the particle test", and your LDL-P tells you the number of LDL particles in your blood. Usually LDL-P is measured along with LDL-C to obtain a more complete, detailed measure of cardiovascular risk - some doctors believe that particle levels as well as total cholesterol matter. Treatment strategies differ depending on the relationship between LDL-P and LDL-C, so there's not a 'cut and dried' target number for LDL-P (as there is for LDL-C).

What should the normal cholesterol levels be?

Normal total cholesterol is below 200 mg, and normal LDL cholesterol is in the 100-129 range if you aren't at risk of heart disease. LDL levels will need to be lower if you have heart disease risk factors.

Which type of fat is most often implicated in raising LDL cholesterol levels?

Saturated Fats

How do you lower LD levels in the blood?

There are several steps one can take to lower LDL levels in the blood. Diet and exercise are the most critical steps a person can take to encourage a decrease in LDL. Incorporate a diet that is high in fiber and low in fat and cholesterol.

What do LDL cholesterol levels measure?

The LDL is the measurement of your good cholesterol which is a necessity for your body to have. Good cholesterol is 75% of your brain and it also repairs your veins and arteries when they have a leak. The body is amazing.

How can I lower my LDL levels?

This is considered your "Bad cholesterol." By decreasing unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol your LDL will decrease. Also, consider applying a diet and daily exercise to your current lifestyle.

Is Rex Grossman Gross?

Yes...he has a turkey neck and most likely has high levels of LDL cholesterol.