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RNA stands for Ribo-nucleic acid, or a nucleic acid with the sugar ribose as the base. DNA stand for deoxyribo-nucleic acid, or a nucleic acid with the sugar deoxyribose as the base. Both are composed of bound nucleotides that form a long, double helical strand. The individual nucleotide is made up of a phosphate-sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) backbone, and a nucelotide (either adenine, cytosine, guanine or thymine - note that uracil exists in the place of thymine in RNA molecules). The nucelotides bind the 2 strands together, while the phosphate-sugar backbone binds the multiple nucleotides together.

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DNA and RNA are composed of sugars, phosphates, and bases.

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Q: What are RNA and DNA composed of?
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What is the name of the nucleotides have no DNA and no RNA?

Nucleotides do not have DNA or RNA. DNA and RNA are composed of nucleotides.

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DNA and RNA are composed of nucleotides.

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Is DNA composed of uracil?

No, only RNA contains uracil.

What kind of compounds are DNA and RNA?

DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) and RNA (RiboNucleic Acid) are nucleic acids. They are composed of bases Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine in DNA. In RNA Cytosine is replaced by Uracil. DNA and RNA can be double stranded or single stranded.

Why RNA and dna termed nucleic acids?

RNA and DNA are nucleic acids because they are composed of chains of nucleotides, which make up nucleic acids.

DNA how is DNA thesame as RNA?

DNA and RNA are both nucleic acids. They both carry genetic information. They both have nucleotides composed of a phosphate, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.

What are all compounds composed of?

A typical virus is composed of a core of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat.

What about retroviruses are backwards?

In the biochemistry of a normal cell such as a human cell, there is DNA in the center, which synthesizes RNA which creates a template for protein synthesis, which is the basis for everything that the cell can do. Most viruses are also composed of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). If virus is composed of RNA (ribonucleic acid), it is in a sense backward, because it starts with RNA, when it is more usual to start with DNA and then proceed to RNA.

Do DNA and RNA have the same nucleotides?

Yes, except uracil substitutes for thymine in RNA.

DNA and RNA are similar in that both?

Both DNA and RNA are composed of nucleotides containing a five carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and one of four nitrogen bases.

What is the difference between cytidine in DNA and cytidine in RNA?

Cytidine is composed of one molecule each of cytosine and ribose. The cytosine molecule is the same between DNA and RNA, the difference is in the sugar backbone. In RNA it is ribose while in DNA it is deoxyribose.