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"Red shift" is what we call the "away" version of the Doppler Effect; the "towards" version is called "blue shift." With visible light, things that are retreated at high speed look as though they were colored more toward the long end of the spectrum than they really are. Since the longest color we can see is red, we call this redshifting, although the actual color change we see might be from blue to green (blue is the shortest light we can see -- counting indigo, violet and purple as "blues" --and green is in the middle, so we see it best). The Doppler Effect is also the thing that makes a siren seem to change pitch as it approaches, passes and then leaves your position, something like "iiiiiieieeieeeieeeeeeoeooeooooo oo oo ooo oooo". Since we don't see sound, we don't generally use color words to describe it, but that "iiiiii" portion is the blue shift, the "eeeeee" is the regular siren sound, and the oooo o o o oo oooo" is the redshift.

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Q: What are Red Shifts Characteristics?
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Between them.

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It is called red-shift. It shifts to the longer-wavelength, shorter-frequency direction. For example, visible light shifts towards the infra-red area of the spectrum.

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Characteristics are the properties of an object. For example, a shiny, red ball has three given characteristics: its texture is shiny, its colour is red, and its shape is spherical.

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Does the colour of a galaxy reflect its distance away from the earth?

No, however, we can determine whether a galaxy is moving towards or away from us, by looking at the shift in its spectrographic analysis. There are "red shifts" and "blue shifts" in spectrographic results. "Blue shifts" indicate that a galaxy is moving towards us, because the wavelength of the light emitted by the galaxy is compressed, causing it to shift to the blue end of the colour spectrum. "Red shifts" indicate that a galaxy is moving away from us, because the wavelength of the light emitted by the galaxy is being stretched towards the red end of the colour spectrum.

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Generally, the galaxies that are further away will have the larger red shifts.