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Q: What are Specific property example?
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What is a specific propertie?

A specific property is typical for only one material.

Do you have a map of this property?

What property? Please be specific.

Is specific gravity intensive or extensive property?

The specific gravity is an intensive property because it's independent of amount of matter.

Reactivity is an example of what kind of property?

Reactivity is an example of a chemical property.

What specific property is water evaporating?

Evaporation is a physical property.

what is a non example of the word distributive property?

What is a non example of the word distributive property?

Is Reactivity to vinegar is an example of physical property?

No. Reactivity to vinegar is an example of a chemical property.

Is the ability to conduct heat classified as a physical property or a chemical property?

Heat of combustion is a chemical property.

What property is taxed?

Property taxes are taxes on the value of owned property. Sometimes they are classified as either specific or ad. Property Specific taxes are of a fixed amount based on a number, or standard of weight or measurement. Ad property taxes are based on a fixed proportion of the value of the property with respect to which the tax is assessed.

What is an example of a property that is not a physical property?

The words in a story.

What is 1x8 8 is an example of what property?

property of multiplication

A bonfire is an example of the property of?

this is an example of combustibility.