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Q: What are Trees and other plants give off water vapor?
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What do the Trees and other plants give off water vapor through the process of?

Trees and other plants give off water vapor through their aerial parts (stomata) during a process called transpiration.

What is water vapor in science?

Water vapor is water that has risen up from oceans rivers and from plants and trees in the form of steam.By the way does anyone know how a mothership is formed?

What is the difference between transpiration and perspiration?

Perspiration is sweat, whereas Transpiration is excess water vapor from plants and trees.

How does water vapor enter the air?

Water vapor enters the air as water at the surface evaporates or as plants transpire water vapor from their leaves.

What is the principle source of water vapor in the atmosphere?

Transpiration from plants and evaporation from water. Water is evaporated from ground water and plants release water from their stomatas. These are the main sources of water vapor in the atmosphere

What do plants lose in transpiration?

water vapor

Why do scientists look for water vapor ozone or oxygen in a plants atmosphere?

Because they are interested in whether water vapor, ozone or oxygen in a plants atmosphere are there.

What Water vapor in the atmosphere is the source of?

Transpiration from plants and evaporation from water. Water is evaporated from ground water and plants release water from their stomatas. These are the main sources of water vapor in the atmosphere

Where does water from plants go?

Water transpired by plants is passed into the atmosphere as water vapor - gaseous water.

What two ways does water vapor enter earth's atmosphere in a mountain region?

evaporation of water from a lake and release of water vapor from trees.

What are two examples of am ecosystem other than a pond?

Other examples of the ecosystem are trees, water, plants, and humans. These are examples od an ecosystem because we rely on trees to give us oxygen, plants rely on us to give them Carbon dioxide, both trees and plants depend on water, and animals depend on plants to eat.

What is the type of water vapor that comes from plants?
