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Q: What are Water soluble signaling proteins?
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What are soluble proteins?

Soluble proteins are proteins that can dissolve in water.

Is protein water soluble or fat-soluble?

In general, proteins are water soluble. We have several proteins circulating in our blood. By the way, there's one type of proteins which is made for carrying cholesterol and tryglicerides (that obviously are fat soluble) through the circulation.

Are polypeptides soluble?

NO. Think of muscles as polypeptides, if they were soluble, then we would be a like a bag of bones in blood.

What is a common second messenger used in signaling pathways activated by water-soluble hormones?

Cell-Cell Recognition

Does hydrophobic substances dissolve in water?

Some hydrophobic substances are soluble in water (ex.: proteins).

Water-soluble or fat-soluble nutrient that helps the body use energy stored in carbohydrates fats and proteins?


Why are some proteins water soluble and others proteins are not?

The solubility of proteins in water is determined by their structure and amino acid composition. Proteins with a high proportion of hydrophilic amino acids (such as charged and polar amino acids) tend to be water soluble. Conversely, proteins with a high proportion of hydrophobic amino acids (such as nonpolar amino acids) tend to be insoluble in water. Additionally, the presence of strong intra- or intermolecular forces (such as disulfide bonds) can also contribute to protein insolubility in water.

How does the action of steroid hormones differ from that of water soluble signaling molecules?

this is not a place to cheat on your hw hahajk lol i do it all the time

Why are membrane proteins are not very soluble in water?

Hydrophobic amino acids on lipid bi-layer

Do proteins attract water?

Yes protein do interact with water. Hydrophilic amino acids in the surface of the proteins form H bond with water molecules. Hence it is soluble in the buffer system.

Proteins are absorbed primarily as?

Proteins are absorbed primarily as amino acids. These acids are water soluble and easily absorbed by the body via active transport.

What is meat emulsion?

Meat emulsion is a two phase system, with the dispersed phase consisting of either solid or liquid fat particles and the continuous phase being the water containing salts and dissolved, gelled and suspendedproteins. Thus they can be classified as oil-in-water emulsion. Meat emulsion is not a true emulsion since the two phases involved are not liquids and the fat droplets in a commercial emulsion are larger than 50 m in diameter and thus do not conform to one of the requirement of a classical emulsion. The continuous phase mainly consists of water, water soluble proteins and salt soluble proteins. The dispersed phase or discontinuous phase consists of fat droplets.The water soluble proteins are sarcoplasmic proteins such as myoglobin and other pigments, salt soluble proteins are myofibrillar proteins such as myosin, actin, and actinins.