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Q: What are actions other colonies took in response to the intolerable acts?
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What was the main effect of The Intolerable Acts?

The main effect of the Intolerable Acts was that it had divided the colonies against each other.

Did other colonies agree to support Boston after the passage of the intolerable acts?

false i think

What was another name for the Cohersive Acts?

The Coercive Acts were officially called the Restraining Acts, but Americans called them the Intolerable Acts. They included the Boston Port Act (June 1, 1774), the Quartering Act (June 2, 1774), the Administration of Justice Act (May 20, 1774), and the Massachusetts Government Act (May 20, 1774). These acts were a response to the Boston Tea Party and were an attempt to restore order in the colonies. They were instrumental in leading the colonies on the path to war. Massachusetts gained sympathy from other colonies. The First Continental Congress was called, and met in Philadelphia in September, 1774. And many of the more moderate colonists began to move toward more radical views, surprised over the harsh response of the British government to the actions of the colonists.

What was one cause of The Intolerable Acts?

The Boston Tea Party and many of the other patriot acts of defiance in the colonies, especially Boston.

What were the other two Intolerable Acts?

The first of the Intolerable Acts was the Boston Port Act, a direct response to the Boston Tea Party. The Acts that followed were the Massachusetts Government Act, the Administration of Justice Act, and the Quartering Act.

What is the historical significance of the intolerable acts?

The Intolerable Acts were a wake up call for the colonies. The acts included the closing of Boston harbor and the take over of all governmental activities by England. Many in the other colonies rallied around Boston, because they feared they may be the next to feel the wrath of England.

What did the committees of correspodence do?

Communicated with other colonies Planned for actions the colonies took together Contacted foreign governments (Apex)

What was passed to punish the colonies for the Boston Tea Party and other rebellious actions?

The Coercive Acts

How were The Intolerable Acts anymore intolarable than the previous acts England passed to anger the colonists?

The intolerable acts were different because they were passed to punish the colony of Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party and to show the other colonies what England was capable of doing. It wasn't made to earn a profit like other acts.

What was the british reaction to the tea party?

The King of England (Don't know his name) was enraged at this act. In punishment, he raised taxes on the colonies and passed the intolerable act in which the people of the colonies were required to house British soldiers and other unfair punishments.

What did Thomas Jefferson suggest colonies form to keep each other informed about British actions?

Thomas Jefferson suggested colonies form committees of correspondence to keep each other informed about British actions. A total of about 7,000 to 8,000 Patriots served on these committees at the colonial and local levels.

Who was affected by the intolerable acts?

All the colonists living in the former 13 colonies of Great Britain which became the United States of America. I assume you are talking about the Stamp Act, the Sugar tax, the Tea Tariffs, the quartering of English soldiers in people's homes, and other actions of King George and his Parliament that led to the revolt that became the American War for Independence?