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This is an interesting question and the answer depends very much on how the 360 feedback survey is designed, how communications are handled regarding the goals of the program, and what is done to support people who have participated once they have gotten their feedback. If the process is handled well, the biggest advantage of 360 feedback to participants is increased self-awareness. Understanding how you are viewed by others is an important step in developing as a leader. This, however, is just a step in a larger process of leadership development. 360 feedback should be coupled with other development opportunities such as coaching, training, job rotation, etc. Without pairing 360 feedback with other developmental opportunities you risk finding out what the disadvantages are. The risks associated with 360 feedback are real and serious. Great care should be taken in order to avoid these pitfalls. 360 feedback instruments should be created in a participative manner. The process of creation should involve representatives from as many of the management groups participating as possible. This will increase buy in and reduce the risk of wild fantasies about what the process is really about. 360 feedback surveys should also measure leadership competencies that are linked to success, both for the organization and the participants. If the competencies used are not connected to the mission of the organization and/or the participants job function, the data in not likely to be very useful to the participant and will end up being a waste of everyone's time. The questions used for 360 feedback surveys should be developmentally based. This is one guideline that is ignored all too much. A person who receives feedback that they do not consider other people's feelings may have a few reactions. First, this feedback can be unnecessarily hurtful. This likely would feel more like an accusation that developmental feedback. Second, the feedback can be easily dismissed because it is obvious that other people cannot possibly know another person's personal values simply through observation. Finally, what guidance is there for the recipient of such feedback? How could they improve on this? All of these concerns are addressed the survey is constructed with behaviorally based questions. If instead of getting feedback that one does not "consider other people's feelings," the feedback was that this individual rarely "asked about the impact their decisions had on others," the impact is much different. First, this would feel like less of an accusation and more of an objective observation. This feedback is also not likely to be dismissed as easily since the recipient can reflect on his/her behaviors and give thought as to the validity of the feedback. Finally, the developmental step to improve becomes self evident, that is, start asking questions about other people's feelings. 360 feedback should be a developmental process. It should not be linked to performance appraisal. Once you introduce the element of appraisal into 360 feedback you introduce office politics into the process, competition among employees, and compromise the validity of the feedback. Another way to compromise the validity of the data is to not allow certain rater groups to give feedback anonymously. If anonymity is not given to peers, subordinates, and other rater groups that may feel exposed giving developmental feedback, the validity and therefore the usefulness of the data will be lessened. Finally, what is done after the feedback is received is equally important in the process as all that was done leading up to that point. If nothing is done after the feedback is received, there are several risks the organization runs. First, it feels as though the process was a waste of everyone's time. Why collect this data if nothing is going to be done with it? It also can end up feeling like the organization is paying lip service to employee development and does not care or value its employees in a real way. Leaving participants with no guidance after they receive feedback can also be a very demoralizing experience. Those who received feedback that they need to improve upon certain competencies are left with no idea how to improve. At very least, there should be follow up meetings with a coach, a mentor, or a trusted supervisor to discuss the feedback. Creating goals and action plans is a very good use of these meetings as well, and if training or other developmental opportunities are available, inserting those activities into the action plan will allow the recipient of the feedback to feel some measure of agency in the process. 360 feedback can be an important part of employee development, but it is only that, a part, not a panacea. It cannot stand on its own as a complete intervention. While the psychological employment contract no longer includes the idea of lifetime employment, smart companies will offer employee development, to give their employees the benefit of lifetime employability. 360 feedback can be a powerful tool as part of an employee development process.

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Q: What are advantages and disadvantages of 360 degree feedback?
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What are some disadvantages of 360 degree feedback?

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What does your human resources department refer to when they use the term 360 degree feedback?

A 360 degree feedback is when you get feedback from peers, superiors, and people below you. Basically everyone.

What is a 360 degree feedback survey?

A 360 degree feedback survey is feedback that comes from members of an employee's immediate work circle. It is also called multi-rater feedback and multi source assessment.

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Although 360 degree feedback is usually used as part of an employee's personal evaluation and done in person, some companies do specialize in 360 degree feedback tools. Echospan and HalogenSoftware are two such companies.

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360 degree feedback can be very effective. Managers are able to get a comprehensive view of the opinions and tasks of their employees that they might not be able to garner in face to face surveys. Non management can use 360 degree feedback as a tool to gauge their performance and those around them.

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Unfortunately, 360 degree feedback surveys doesn't work: They return results with inaccuracy, they lack of relevancy, they are poorly planned, uncoordinated and there is no involvement. So it's better to give up on the new 360 degree feedback plan for 2012.

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The practice of 360-degree feedback is most clearly designed to improve an individual's self-awareness, professional development, and overall performance by collecting feedback from multiple sources, including peers, managers, and subordinates.

Where can one find 360 degree feedback surveys online?

360 degree feedback surveys can be found on websites like SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, and SurveyGizmo. Many HR software platforms also offer 360 degree feedback survey tools as part of their services. Additionally, some companies offer customized 360 degree feedback surveys that can be tailored to specific needs.