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pros: We can learn lots of things by sending crews and space probes. For without space probes how would we be able to tell the weather.

cons: Many humans can die in space if there is a problem with the space craft and billions of dollars will be wasted.

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Q: What are advantages and disadvantages of sending crews to space on space explorations and space probes?
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by sending space probes to space like the mars rover helps us understand the climate, etc. so when we get there we know what were dealing with and where to land

How do scientists learn more about planets?

By observing them regularly using telescopes and by sending orbital or lander probes to them.

Are there any human explorations to the moon europa moon?

No. We have sent probes to Jupiter, which have studied Jupiter and its moons, but nothing has landed on it. No human has gone farther than Earth's moon.

What are the advantages of sending crewed mission instead of probes into space the disadvantages?

Sometimes the obvious answer is the right one. In general computers can break, malfunction and develop faults. Humans have a level of intelligence that computers and machines just can't have, so sending people into space is useful because they have senses like touch and can repair machines or pilot spacecraft. But, human life is sacred, there's (as you can understand) quite a risk associated with space travel. Humans are designed to live on earth; space is an unnatural habitat for us. If not careful, people could die on space missions etc.

Have Saturn been visited?

Humans have not yet explored the planet Saturn, aside from sending a few probes to it. It would take decades to reach Saturn with modern technology, making sending an astronaut team there impractical.

What advantages and disadvantages does a crewed space exploration and space probes?

Manned missions allow for real time interaction with the environment instead of waiting for sent commands to be processed, and confirmation returned. But manned missions require expensive, large habitable environments and support systems to keep the astronauts alive.

Where did the voyage go?

Both of the Voyager probes are still in outer space. They passed the orbit of Pluto in approx. 1990 and are still sending back data.

Does NASA use cow dung in their space probes?

no they don't i have heard of them sending up a K9 (a dog ) and a monkey and also satellite dishes but that's about it!